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我们痛恨战争。We hate war.

战争,不会再来!No more wars!

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战争是残酷无情的。War is cruel.

战争导致两败俱伤。War kills both.

战争发生了。The war happened.

究竟是什么导致了这场战争So what caused it?

这是一场丑陋的战争。It was an ugly war.

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有些国家还将发动战争。Some will go to war.

战争是非常可怕的。War is ery terrible.

我远离战争与恐惧。I leave war and fear.

接下来我们来讨论战争Then there's warfare.

他们是战争传播者。They are War mongers.

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那么这场战争就输定了吗?So is the battle lost?

战争于是1975年结束。The war ended in 1975.

接着战争开始了。Then the battle began.

战争中才存在暴力。For violence go to war.

没有战争,没有流血。No war and no blooding.

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战争因何而起?What was the war about?

这次战争哪方打赢了?Which side won the war?

永恒战争般的爱情。Love as everlasting war.