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你们就叫我贞女贞德吧。Call me Joan the Maid.

圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters.

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但小惠金区和女贞路到底在哪儿啊?But where EXACTLY is Little Whinging and Privet Drive?

圣女贞德被绑在火刑柱上烧死。Joan of Arc was bound to the stake and burnt to death.

小围金路上的一条街,与女贞路交界。A street in Little Whinging, intersecting Privet Drive.

一个艺术团正在排演一部有关圣女贞德的戏剧。A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.

然而圣女贞德却在一场战役中被俘虏而遭到审判。However, Joan was captured during a battle and put on trial.

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圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

圣女贞德于1920年被罗马天主教会封为圣徒。Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.

这些都不符合我们所知道的北萨里郡及女贞路。These do not match with north surrey and privet drive as we know it.

圣女贞德于1431年在该市的火刑柱上被烤死。Joan of Arc was burned at the stake here in 1431. Population, 101,945.

木兰是一位女扮男装的英雄,中国的圣女贞德。Mulan is the Middle Kingdom's gender-bending heroine, its Joan of Arc.

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他看了看周围,四号出口,女贞路,没有人。He looked around, the landing of number four, Privet Drive, was deserted.

据说圣女贞德就是这么被烧死的。It is believed that this is the manner in which St Joan of Arc was burnt.

这些传教士对法国的了解仅限于有关圣女贞德的传说。These churchmen 's acquaintance with France stopped short at Joan of Arc.

按他说,一群演员正在排练一出关于圣女贞德的戏。In his version, a group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.

要么就是他每天在马尔夫大宅和女贞路之间来回奔走?Or did he come and go between the Malfoy mansion and Privet Drive every day?

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在河南郑州市发现金叶女贞新病害——叶斑病。A new disease of Ligustrum vicaryi in Zhengzhou, Henan Province has been found.

那琴弓,此时仿佛成了圣女贞德的利剑,成了世界上最有威力的武器。It became the sword of Joan of Arc. It became the mightiest weapon of them all.

女贞路是在我把它称之为伦敦的“卫星城”的边缘。Privet Drive is on the outskirts of what I would call a " satellite" town to London.