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我参加的第一次行动是攻打当地的一个土豪。The first action I was involved in was an attack on a local exploiter.

作为奖励,我们同样给在米国买正版的土豪们提供了一个补丁。As a bonus we also included a patch for people who legally bought the game in the. us.

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一个不民主的土豪,一个贩卖毒品和糟糕产品的国家决不可能成为一个领导国。An undemocratic bully which sells poisonous and crappy products can never be a leading nation.

此外,主流银行通常不能像大多数专一数字行业的土豪那样快速扩大信用额度。Moreover, mainstream banks often can't extend lines of credit as fast as most digital-only upstarts.

用“打土豪”罚款的方法筹措军费,只能是临时的和部分的。Expropriation of the local tyrants was only a temporary measure to defray part of the army's expenses.

给养来源主要有战争缴获,打土豪筹粮款和购买借贷。The provisions were obtained mainly from the war, the land owners, or by purchase or credit on the way.

乡绅们把庄子递到南京,告吴主任怂恿土匪县长打土豪分田地。Squire handed zhuangzi to nanjing, to wu urged bandit, director of the county magistrate heaven snuffs fields.

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大土豪、大劣绅、大军阀、大官僚、大买办们的主意早就打定了。The big local tyrants and evil gentry, the big warlords and the big bureaucrats and compradors have long made up their minds.

军阀、官僚、土豪、劣绅是地主阶级的政治代表,是地主中特别凶恶者。Warlords, officials, local tyrants and evil gentry are political representatives and exceptionally ruthless members of the landlord class.

很明显,如果土豪先森“真的”相信和信任普京先生的话,他就会转移远多于现在的钱到自己的国家金融体系了。Obviously, if Mr. Usmanov TRULY trusted and believed in Mr. Putin, he would have transferred a lot more of his wealth back into the Russian monetary system.

欢喜为了完成任务,安排小嘉等人一同参与,小嘉、家强及浩勤与欢喜一同与新界土豪见面。Glad to complete the task, and arrange the jia and others to participate in together, small, strong and HaoQin with joy to meet local tyrants, New Territories.