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我们通常会看得更深透些,去发现我们从不知道的事情。We can often look deeper to find things we never knew.

一个比穿深透度厚得多的样品,按指数律衰减。A specimen which is much thicker than the penetration depth decays exponentially.

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但是熊彼得对工商业历史了解得太深透了,不会为它摇旗呐喊。But Schumpeter knew far too much about the history of business to be a cheerleader.

学识浅薄是件危险的事,要深透吮饮,不然就尝不到知识源泉的甘霖。A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.

从粗重、外在和浅显的表面实相,贯穿深透到身心的终极究竟实相。From the gross, external, apparent truth, one penetrates to the ultimate truth of mind and matter.

介绍了深透里昂S500型煤矿安全生产监测监控系统的组成及其在大同煤矿集团公司云冈矿的使用情况。The text introduces structure and application of the S500 type safety monitor and control system in the Yungang Mine.

这是因为有的学生能够以不同的方法来写作业、做卷子,显示了他们对所学的法则有更深透的理解。This is because some students are able to write papers or exams in ways that reveal deeper understanding of principles.

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传统推拿学对手法动作技术要求持久、有力、均匀、柔和,从而达到深透的目的。Traditional massage requires that manipulation should be permanent, forceful, even and soft so as to be deep and thorough.

基于深透里昂S500型监测监控系统,研制了井下风机开停监视屏。Based on S500 type monitoring and controlling system, the monitor screen for underground fan's start- stop has been developed.

由此,提出了建在无限深透水地基上的土石坝水平铺盖长度与坝前水头的关系。This paper puts forward the relation of water head and blanket length of earth-rock dam on the infinite deep pervious foundation.

在无限深透水地基上修建土石坝,坝基防渗体常采用倒悬挂式防渗墙。On the infinite deep pervious foundation, the earth-rolkfill dams often take the hanging vertical cut-off wall to control the seepage.

采用边界元法研究无限深透水地基上土石坝铺盖长度对坝基渗流的影响。On the infinite deep pervious foundation, the earth-rolkfill dams often take the hanging vertical cut-off wall to control the seepage.

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同时,本文还对无限深透水地基上土石坝水平铺盖长度对渗流的影响进行分析。In the meantime we will discuss the influence of impervious blanket's length for earth-rock's seepage on infinite deep pervious foundation.

这种教益不仅使我对NGO的认识更加深透,也更见深刻地理解到NGO对于一个正常的社会之重要。I learn a lot from them. This not only helps me understand NGOs better but also to better understand the importance of NGOs in a normal society.

总之,倡导只是一个过程,一个宣介的过程,促进的过程,展示公众支持的过程和表明对问题的确有深透了解的过程。In general, the process of advocacy is just that -- a process, of education, encouragement, and demonstrable public support as well as true expertise.

学派研究的意义,在于能够更深透、更清晰地把握学术的发展变化过程、特征所在以及一些基本规律。The importance of school study is to make the process of the academic changing and developing well known and to reveal the characteristics and basic laws.

这种独特而有效的配方深透保湿还含有控油润肤剂轻轻振兴和充实你的皮肤水分。This unique and effective blend of deep penetrating moisturizers also contains hydrating emollients to gently rejuvenate and replenish your skins moisture.

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但由于我国认识较晚,且没有任何司法判例,因而理论界对其研究尚不够深透。But, because our cognitions is comparative late, and without any kind of judicial precedent, thus research of our theoretical field on this object is insufficient.