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没有人能和他相比。No one can set beside him.

所以可以将其与代数相比。So, compare it to algebra.

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相比看智者猫也有权晋见国王。A cat may look on the king.

与之相比,三月份的指数是44.8。compared with 44.8 in March.

几何平均相比算术平均更加严谨It's a less optimistic version.

做礼拜和看马戏相比,算不了什么。Church ain't shucks to a circus.

相比而言,铝是2。For comparison, aluminum is 2.7.

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番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

与他相比,我只能算是唯一笨拙的人。Compared dawn he, I am a bungler.

相比魏先生,朱旭亮还有些“优势”。Mr. Zhu has an advantage over Mr.

有兆件东西是相比女人庚欠的?。What is one thing all women love?

相比看北京病假条这儿不能用升调。Arising tone can not be used here.

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同你那份相比,我的一份显得少了。Beside yours my share seems small.

与她相比,我只能算是一个笨拙的人。Compared with her, I am a bungler.

我想这个形态很合适您。相比看近视眼镜。I think this shape suits you well.

同他相比,他是一个更为称职的教师。She is an abler teacher than he is.

他跟李光相比是一个更稳定的后卫。He is a quieter point guard than Li.

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相比看冷山插曲。你昔时总是带着一个盘子。You were you should carrying a tray.

同现在相比,真是天渊之别。But now how different everything was!

相比于法海,我更讨厌他。Compared with Fahai, I hate him more.