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北冰洋上的一块大浮冰里孕育着一个冰锥状的洞穴。A large ice floe in the Arctic Ocean bears an icicle-trimmed cave.

艾尔莎公主还遭到魔力反噬,用冰锥刺穿了自己。The princess's powers backfire and she impales herself on an icicle.

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冰柱,冰锥锥状冰,由滴水凝固形成。A tapering spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping or falling water.

女人兴奋地喊着,那声音就像冰锥一样冲击着安迪的大脑。The woman cries out in orgasm. The sound slams into Andy's brain like an ice pick.

如果赶上下雪的话,你还得带上尖,破冰斧,冰锥和雪地眼镜。If there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an ice axe , ice piton and snow goggles.

如果赶上下雪的话,你还得带上尖铁钉、破冰斧,冰锥和雪地眼镜。Well, if there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an ice axe, ice piton and snow goggles.

奥术冲击现在更名为法术冲击,现在该天赋将影响到冲击波,火焰冲击,冰锥术和冰枪术。Arcane Impact renamed Spell Impact and now affects Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Cone of Cold, and Ice Lance.

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他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc.

主观危险是您可以控制的危险,例如恰当地调节冰锥,以便它可以撑住您。Subjective danger you have some control over, such as screwing the ice piton in correctly so it holds you.

像盐酸氯丙嗪这种药物的兴起使得化学切除额叶更加可行——麻烦的冰锥法不再有了。The rise of drugs like thorazine make it easier to chemically lobotomize patients — no more messy ice picks.

通过调研,分析了甘肃省道路冰锥分布、发生机理及危害,针对冰锥类型提出了相应的防治措施。From the field investigation and analysis, the distribution, formation mechanism and damages of the icing are revealed.

是的,这正是我看到的东西,尽管它本应当是衣帽钩,冰锥,或者半截铅笔等等这类更容易让人接受的东西。Yeah, that's what I think I saw, although it could've just as easily been a coat hanger or an ice pick or a broken pencil.

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说实在的,这个地方也是黑帮打手喜欢做文章的地方。打手们使用餐桌上碎冰锥的锋利尖端,找出他们手中囚徒脸上的神经中心,然后肆意折磨。Indeed, this was the favorite spot for Mafia torturers , who searched it out on the cheeks of their victims with the needle-fine point of an ice pick.

热水比冷水结冰的速度更快。冰在自然界的不同形态有雪花、冰锥、冰雹、霜、冰川、浮冰、冰凌,和极地冰。Hot water freezes faster than cold water. Ice can appear in nature as snowflakes, icicles, hail, frost, glaciers, pack ice, ice spikes and candles and polar ice caps.

在桥墩上设置破冰锥体,可大大减轻浮冰的水平压力,同时还可把大块浮冰破碎成小块浮冰,有可能减少产生冰坝、冰塞。By utilizing conical structure on piers, ice loads can be reduced significantly It also has the advantages to break the big ice sheet into small pieces so that ice jams could be released.