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她有着媚人的神态。She has charming manner.

雷母则是神态平和。Ray mother is gentle manner.

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她身上显示出一种胜利的神态。An air of triumph exuded from her.

他脸上现出凝滞的神态。His face took on a set expression.

他看人的眼神还是那种高高在上的神态。His stare is one of regal aloofness.

要保持一种办现公事时一本正经的神态。Keep a Poker face in business situations.

他慢慢地点头,一副饶有兴味的神态。Slowly, with an air of amusement, he nodded.

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另一种举止神态是走路和坐姿。Another form of kinesics is walking and sitting.

举止神态是指手势,身体的动作和坐姿。Kinesics is gestures, body movements and posture.

她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的快乐。Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.

不过这位国军大官表面上没有表示出什么神态。But the nations aga surface not said whats expression.

注意他在说到他的团队时的语调和神态。Note his tone and energy when he talks about his team.

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当遇上黄山游人,一个个皆笑容可掬,神态憨然。Huangshan Where visitors are a smiling, look foolish Ran.

他金色的头发和庄重的神态使他非常具有非凡的魅力。His golden hair and magnific manner made him very attractive.

玛歌迅速地换成“戏剧第一夫人”的那副举止神态。Margo changes swiftly into a first-lady-of-the-theater manner.

挺直腰板坐在海豚背上的猴子摆出一副庄严的神态。The Monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the Dolphin's back.

画中的年轻女孩带着一副沉思而又严肃的神态。The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.

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反复的虎扑动作表现出老虎威武勇猛的神态。The repeated springs show the tiger's mighty and valorous looks.

卡琳喜欢他那种平静而自在的默默无言的神态。Carreen liked him because of his placid and unembarrassed silences.

他神态安详,使他显得异样地庄严可敬。He wore an air of serenity which rendered him singularly venerable.