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哈山,兔唇的哈山,追风筝的孩子。Hassan the harelipped kite runner.

比如兔唇和先心能否检查出来?Such as harelip and heart can check out first?

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关于这个兔唇婴儿的流言已经传开了。Gossip about this harelipped baby has been spreading.

兔唇宝宝是怎样造成的,能有效预防吗?Why does a baby suffer a harelip ? Is there any prevention?

兔唇和腭裂在中国是最常见的缺陷。Cleft lip and palate is the most frequent congenital defect in China.

我还资助了一个中国患兔唇的孩子,希望以后能多做一些这方面的爱心工作。I have also funded a Chinese suffering relief for children with the hare lip syndrome.

哪家医院是专门接收兔唇手术的?成功率是多少?Which hospital receives harelipped operation technically? How much is successful rate?

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有兔唇的新生婴儿较容易有其他的先天缺陷。Infants with cleft lip and palate appear to be at increased risk for other birth defects.

而有过三次或三次以上这种经历的人生出兔唇儿的风险则为没喝过酒的三倍多。For women who drank this amount on three or more occasions, the risk of a cleft defect tripled.

我们的慈善机构还为家境贫困的兔唇、腭裂儿童出资做手术。Our charitable organization also provides funds for cleft-lip and palate operations for the poor.

哪里的整容医院是专门接受兔唇手术的!有没有成功的案例!The face-lifting hospital of where accepts harelipped operation technically! Have successful case!

据香港媒体报道,王菲自生下兔唇女儿李嫣后,一直有阴影不敢怀孕。According to media reports, since Faye Wong gave birth to her daughter Li Yan clubfoot and has been a shadow not pregnant.

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长期以来人们一直认为杰昆天生有兔唇,这个疤痕是矫正手术的结果,但事实并非如此。It has long been thought that Joaquin was born with a cleft lip and the scar is the result of corrective surgery. This is not so.

比如,甘肃的一个姑娘因为兔唇始终躲在房子里面看外面的世界,不敢走出去。One young woman in Gansu, for instance, had spent her life watching the world go by from the refuge of her room, afraid to go outside because of her cleft lip.

一位天后巨星不幸生下兔唇畸形儿,引起社会公开谈论和关注先天性畸形的婴孩。Unfortunately it takes a Chinese mega-star having a baby with a congenital deformity for the society as a whole to talk openly about birth defects like cleft palate.

亦有传她因二女儿李嫣天生有兔唇缺陷,所以格外留神,及时发现胎儿在成长过程中出现的问题,所以忍痛决定接受人工流产。Chuan also due to her daughter Li Yan born with clubfoot defects, particularly Watch, the timely detection of fetal growth in the course of the problem, so decided to accept the pain of abortion.