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你应该提升一下应试技巧。Maybe you have to bone up on your test-taking skills.

要学口语,不只是应试或托福式的短期英语。Spoken English. Not just test--taking, TOEFL--blasting English.

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所以如果你善于考试,知道如何应试and if you're a good test taker, and you know how to take the test

学生们还将获得参加客观性和主观性考试的应试经验、技能。Students also acquire both objective and subjective test-taking skills.

带只手表应试,以便更能掌握作答速度。Bring a watch to the test with you so that you can pace yourself better.

我们国家多数领头应试专家认为这是危险的路径。Most of our nation’s leading testing experts think this is a risky path.

不停的食物供应应试虑到寒冷的已经竣事了,春天已经来了。A constant supply of food should be given until the cold is over and spring has come.

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应试性教育制度不尊重性别特点和需求,应对此负责任。The exam-oriented education system is to blame for disrespecting gender traits and needs.

倘蒙面试,除星期一外每天下午本人均可应试。If you care to give my an interview, I shall be pleased to call any afternoon except Monday.

实际上许多应试考试,直到现在,每学期都有学习读物。Many I. R. exams, until now, have actually include reading material studied during the term.

伦敦克林汉姆学院是一所私立的、男女合校GCSE和应试辅导中学学院,建于1975年。Collingham is an independent, co-educational GCSE and Sixth Form college, which was founded in 1975.

适当减少死板的抄写等应试性、重复性的作业,把学生从题海中解放出来。Decrease the rigid test such as sex, repeatability of copying homework, the students from the crowd.

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虽然期末考试不得翻书,但你可以携带一页的大纲前来应试。The final is a closed book test, but you may bring a one-page outline to the exam to consult freely.

通过本系列丛书的学习,考生能够循序渐进地增强语言技能和应试能力。With these books, students move progressively, sharpening language skills and test-taking abilities.

所以,我对科举近乎痴狂,参加科举应试那就是我整个的天地。So, I nearly crazy, in imperial examination in imperial civil examinations that is I the whole world.

起码应试着找出有什么项目可以淘汰、转授、自动化处理、外包处理或可以忽略。Try to find at least a few items that can be eliminated, delegated, automated, outsourced, or ignored.

第四章对唐代应试诗赋进行了一个整体的评价。The fourth chapter makes an evaluation of examination-oriented poems and poetic prose in the Tang Dynasty.

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在隋朝开始的科举选才,应试之风开始蔓延。Imperial selection started at the beginning of Sui Dynasty, so the tendency of examinations began to spread.

蒲松龄面对一次有一次的名落孙山,明知朝廷不会用他,却还欲去应试。Pu has once again fallen off the face, knowing that the court will not use him, and still want to to the test.

一班50名学生在不测的情况下应试,考分真实可信。A class of 50 students have participated the examination, and the results are believed to be true and convinced.