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她于1817年辞世,时年不足42岁。She died in 1817, only 42.

母亲辞世后不久,父亲也紧随其后,悄然离去。her mother died and her father followed.

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1995年张爱玲的悄然辞世,再度掀起一阵“张热”。Eileen Chang's death in 1995 raised another fever.

她的挚友,凯瑟琳·麦考密克也随后辞世,享年92岁。Her angel, Katharine McCormick, would die next at 92.

贝时璋院士,中国生物物理学的奠基者辞世,享年107岁。Bei Shizhang, Founder of China's biophysics dies at 107.

本森辞世的消息迅速在她的追求者中传开。Word of Benson's demise spread quickly among her pursuers.

他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。His wife died after an agonizing three-year siege of cancer.

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更新——迈克尔·杰克逊今天辞世,终年50岁。UPDATE -- Michael Jackson passed away today at the age of 50.

爱尔兰民谣歌手汤米-麦克姆于八月一日辞世,享年74岁。Tommy Makem, an Irish folk-singer, died on August 1st, aged 74

许多艺术家都认同当拉斐尔于1520年辞世时,古典艺术也随之没落。Many artists agree that when Raphael died in 1520, so did classic art.

珀西•柯利达爵士,英国驻华大使,1月22日辞世,享年86岁。Sir Percy Cradock , ambassador to China, died on January 22nd, aged 86

苹果的联合创始人、精神领袖斯蒂夫·乔布斯昨日辞世,终年56岁。Apple co-founder and visionary Steve Jobs died yesterday at the age of 56.

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晚年,在其辞世前的一二十年,托尔斯泰象个传道者。Tolstoy became a kind of prophet in his old age, during the last few decades.

马丁路德金带着仅完成一半的梦想溘然辞世。Martin Luther King Jr. died with no more than one half of his dreams fulfilled.

约翰。莫蒂默爵士,法庭律师,自由斗士。1月16日辞世,享年85岁。Sir John Mortimer, barrister and freedom-fighter, died on January 16th, aged 85

这是苹果公司自创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯辞世后发行的首款重磅产品。It's first major product release by Apple since the death of founder Steve Jobs.

国秀答应了如寄给云朗做继母,如寄安详辞世。Countries show promise to do such as yunlang stepmother, such as send peacefully.

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十月父亲遽然辞世,全家悲痛不已,完全靠心中的一丝信念才得以支撑。He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply, leaning on our faith.

计算机音乐之父麦克斯•马修斯上周因肺炎辞世。Max Mathews, aka the father of computer music, passed away last week from pneumonia.

创立苹果公司的天才,史蒂夫.贾伯斯于2011年不敌癌症病魔而辞世。Steve Jobs, the visionary who co-founded Apple, lost his    8    with cancer in 2011.