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现在事情上轨道了。Things are straight now.

一切都已上轨道了。Everything is in good order now.

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我们公司正步上轨道。Our company is going on the right track.

今天就开始写作,你很快就可以上轨道了。Start today and you'll be on your way in no time!

我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.

珍妮丝努力工作企图让自己的新事业上轨道。Janis worked hard to get her fledgling business off the ground.

隔周再来一次,接下去的一星期也一样,这样一来你的节食计划便上轨道了。Do it again next week and the week after, and you're well on your way.

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这位特使说,美国决心让和平进程重上轨道。The envoy said the United States is determined to get the peace process back on track.

长达一年多的辅导历程中,看到小中在亲师合作下已上轨道。During over a year counseling, Chung has been getting better with parent-teacher collaboration.

对不起,开始时我干得太慢了,不过一旦我完全上轨道,我会干得快得多。I'm sorry I've made such a slow start but I'll be much quicker once I get fully into my stride.

从而对今后桥上轨道交通的环境振动评价、可行性研究与设计提供理论参考。The results can offer reference to feasibility study, design and construction of viaduct railway track.

然而第二件事是,本杰里还在努力调整,好让新工厂第一阶段的运作顺利上轨道。But secondly , Ben &Jerry's was still struggling to get the first stage of the new plant operating smoothly.

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Espresso的素质则有点不稳定,虽然我们听说咖啡店上轨道后情况有所改善。The quality espresso is a bit variable, though we've heard that things are improving as the café settles in.

我们知道他需要留下,我们要留住他,所以现在谈判已经上轨道了,我们认为不会有任何的问题。We know he wants to stay and we want to keep him, so now talks have begun on schedule we don't expect any problems.

趁著暑假羊咩咩也随即回到青青草原上班,剪羊毛活动也重新上轨道。As the summer begins, the sheep are back in the green pastures earning their keep, and the sheep shearing events will be starting again.

泰国证交所负责发行和上市的市场总监维差特.坦提瓦尼克说,之前被耽搁的上市计划已经重上轨道。Vichate Tantiwanich, chief marketing officer in charge of issuers and listings at the exchange, says previously delayed plans are back on track.

随着准高速铁路、高速铁路的兴建,对桥梁上轨道的平顺要求越来越高。With the implementation and development of quasi-express railway and high speed railway, it requests a higher smoothness to the rail laid on bridges.

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斯蒂法尼斯海恩。派帕的工具包和其他宇航员以前弄丢的工具在重返地球大气层的过程中具有一定风险,它们可能会撞上轨道里的飞船。Stefanyshyn-Piper's bag and other tools lost by astronauts in the past have typically posed little risk of coming back and hitting spacecraft in orbit.

这些记忆会涌入你的意识,让你在未来能够上轨道,举例来说可能发生在当你与家人、朋友相处在一起的时候,或者当你看电视的时候。These memories will be rushing into your consciousness while you will be at work, with your friends and families or while you watch television for instance.

近来就业数据对交易员而言至关重要,因为就业岗位的增长被看做经济复苏重上轨道、经济持续增长的最佳途径。Employment data has become vital for traders recently because jobs growth is considered the best way the recovery can get back on track and grow consistently.