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又何必追求那些急功近利的评价?Why to pursue those eager evaluation?

反而变得急功近利,好高骛远。But has become profit-oriented, ambitious.

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或正如他们所说,它的时间作出急功近利!Or as they say, it's time to make a quick buck!

愿你在急功近利的社会里多一份淡定与从容。May you be more calm when facing the acquisitive society.

我们现在生活的时代一切都是那么急功近利。We are living in an era where everything is rushed too quickly.

钢版的印章是急功近利潜水器材。The steel version of the SEAL dive watches was an instant success.

小熊哥哥和妹妹是我见过的最急功近利、最贪得无厌、最得寸进尺的人!Brother and Sister have the worst case of the galloping greedy gimmes I've ever seen!

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难以想象这届充斥着不惜打得头破血流的急功近利者的国会会做出任何大胆的举动。It's hard to imagine anything bold from this Congress of head-butting pro-wrestler wannabes.

有同学向总理提出,如何克服学习中急功近利的问题。Some students asked the Prime Minister how to change the attitude of learning in quick success.

中国足球停滞不前的主要原因是急功近利、“政治足球”。Caring the current profits and "political football" are the main reasons for the bogging of Chinese football.

这种情况是由作者的急功近利心理,自大且又自卑的心理使然。This results from the author's psychological factors of utilitarianism, blind arrogance and blind inferiority.

许多中国评论员认为,这反映了中国近些年来急功近利追求财富所导致的道德滑坡。To many Chinese commentators it has revealed a widespread callousness fostered by an amoral pursuit of wealth.

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他指出,美国的银行太急功近利,借贷给那些不可能还钱的人。S. banks were 'too greedy to grasp profits and so they lent to people who could not return the money, ' he said.

在我们享乐主义文化的影响下,我们变得急功近利,不指望对事物作深入的探寻。In our instant gratification culture, we expect everything right now. We do not expect to have to work at things.

但与此同时,良莠不齐的设计教育质量,尤其是愈演愈烈的急功近利之风着实令人担忧。But in the mean time, it is apprehensive that the good and the bad quality of designing education are intermingled.

那些急功近利的决策作出的过程,深层次的问题仍然离不开文化修养的欠缺!Lack of profound culture background will cause those decision which is eager for quick success and instant benefit.

这样的欺骗手段可以相对无害地提升排名,但是这种急功近利地推销无疑是一种欺诈行为,是无用之功。This chicanery can range from relatively benign but useless efforts to overly aggressive promotion to outright fraud.

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而在我们急功近利的文化中,对您的职业生涯来说,失败会产生不利影响,或者甚至是致命的。And in our culture of quick wins and instant gratification, failure can be harmful -- or even fatal -- to your career.

而这一点,可能会使一部分人在追求在职文凭时急功近利。And this, may make one part person is seeking the eager for quick success and instant benefit when on-the-job diploma.

余米容易讨好,但浪费与自由职业者只希望做一个急功近利,并提供质量差的工作时间累。Im easy to please but tired of wasting time with freelancers only looking to make a quick buck and provide poor quality work.