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他脑海中浮现出童山的幽静生活和安逸的家庭幸福。The quiet home life and peaceful happiness of Bleak Hills passed before his imagination.

当他驶进林荫道,经过童山宅第的石门时,犹如进入一座因着魔而陷入沉睡状态的古旧城堡似的。He rode up the avenue to the stone gates of the house, feeling as though it were the enchanted, sleeping castle.

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在童山逗留的这两天,老公爵对皮埃尔很亲热,还请他以后常到他这里来。He was extremely warm with him both days of his stay at Bleak Hills, and asked him to come and stay with him again.

童山豪在雪中苏醒后爬了出来,他一步步爬到了鬼子的尸体旁,摸索出了他们身上的密报。Tong Shanhao wakes up in the snow after the climb out, step by step he climbed to the devil's corpse, find them tipped off.

目前皮埃尔到了童山才赏识他和安德烈公爵的友谊的全部魅力和作用。It was only now on his visit to Bleak Hills that Pierre appreciated fully all the charm of his friendship with Prince Andrey.

紫柔见状赶紧称童山豪是自己的叔叔,今早才从老家过来,暂时蒙混过关。The purple and soft hills rushed quickly said Howe is his uncle, until this morning came from his home, temporarily get away.

八月十日,安德烈公爵指挥的团队沿着大路行进,从通向童山的那条路旁经过。On the 10th of August the regiment of which Prince Andrey was in command was marching along the high-road past the avenue that led to Bleak Hills.

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在1983年和1984年的繁殖季节,作者对浙江省天童山中常绿阔叶林内的繁殖鸟类作了测定。During the nesting seasons in 1983 and 1984, the author had examined the breeding bird community of evergreen broad-leaf forest in Mt. Tiantong, Zhejiang Province.

安德烈公爵回来后不久,老公爵让儿子分开来过,把博古恰罗沃、离童山四十俄里的一大片领地分给他了。Soon after Prince Andrey's return, the old prince made over a part of the property to him, giving him Bogutcharovo, a large estate about thirty miles from Bleak Hills.

安德烈公爵在未抵达驻扎在德里萨军官的军队之前,顺路去童山,童山离他所走的斯摩棱斯克大路只有三俄里之遥。Before joining the army of the west, which was in May encamped at Drissa, Prince Andrey went to Bleak Hills, which was directly in his road, only three versts from the Smolensk high-road.