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唐的办公室。Don’s office.

我腻烦办公室。I hate offices.

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迈克是办公室的勤杂人员。Mike is an office boy.

哈定死于办公室。Harding died in office.

他破门盗窃了办公室。He'd burgled the office.

你好,你还在办公室?Hi, still in the office?

这是殷先生的办公室。This is Mr Yin's office.

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这是你的新办公室。This is your new office.

我在一间小办公室里工作。I work in a small office.

在办公室抽烟可以吗?May smoking be in office?

请顺路到我的办公室来一下。Please stop by my office.

我是办公室里资历最浅的。I am junior in the office.

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我想找一份朝九晚五的办公室工作。I'd like a 9-5 office job.

这个办公室里人声嘈杂。It's noisy in this office.

她大步走进了我的办公室。She strode into my office.

是我们办公室的勤杂人员。He is our office assistant.

这里是张博士的办公室吗?Is this Dr. Chang's office?

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她在办公室可是很健谈的。She is talkative in office.

办公室突然火光四射。The office suddenly flamed.

他愤然扬头走出办公室。He tossed out of the office.