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你真是小心眼儿!You're being Petty!

他懂她的小心眼。He know she is petty.

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他这人小心眼儿。He's got a small mind.

她怎么能这么小心眼儿?我会帮你的。I'll do something for you.

她怎么能这么小心眼儿?How could she be so narrow-minded?

当你小心眼的想要妒忌想要吃醋了。When you narrow-minded to envy want jealous.

你这么愚弄她一回,就是为了满足你的小心眼儿?You tricked her just to satisfy your petty mind?

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不会,她那个文化水平,就不会是小心眼。No, she the cultural level, would not be narrow-minded.

她怎么能这么小心眼儿?我会帮你的。How could she be so narrow-minded I'll do something for you.

你也太小心眼儿了,为这点儿事还生气。You are a bit too touchy to get angry about such a small thing.

在小心眼人看来,只要是自己力所不及的,就都是不对的。Narrow minds think nothing right that is above their own capacity.

只有那些可恶的小心眼的人才会拘泥于以一种形式去拼写一个字!It is a damned small mind that can think of only one way to spell a word!

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为人处事要谨慎,但是不能小心眼。Be careful and mindful when dealing with others, but do not be narrow-minded.

人切勿小心眼嫉妒人,有多大胸怀做多大事。Do not narrow-minded jealous people who do mind how much more important matter.

哦,怎么能这样!她怎么能这么小心眼儿?我会帮你的。No, that won't do! How could she be so narrow-minded? I'll do something for you.

让我生气的是,在人们丢掉饭碗的时候,员工们却在饼干的问题上如此小心眼。It makes me angry that staffs are being so petty about biscuits when people may lose their jobs.

如果是你错了,不要责怪他人小心眼,老念叨过去的事情。Do not accuse the person of living in thepast or not letting things go if you are the one at fault.

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最后你给她的定义就是不了解你,不信任你,小心眼,不讲理。Finally, you can give her is the definition you do not know, do not trust you, Xiao Xinyan, unreasonable.

小心眼,嫉妒心,仇恨,报复,女人的伎俩不过如此,你要施展没关系,关系的是你别被人发现。Take care, jealousy, hatred, revenge, revenge, women's tactics, but so, you have to display no relationship, the relationship is that you don't be found.

如果你到中国做出一些友好的评论,并说这是个神奇的地方,中国还会指责你插手该地区吗?小心眼的中国!So if you go toChina and make comments like "warm hospitality" and calling theregion a "magical place". you would be accused of meddling? Touchyaren't they?