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输电线路高耸入云。Transmission lines built right among the clouds.

输电线路风偏放电的影响因素研究。Study on windage yaw discharge of transmission line.

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钢芯铝绞线目前大量用于架空输电线路。ACSR is now widely used in overhead power transmission lines.

高压输电线路输送距离长,易发生故障。The high voltage transmission line is long and easy to go wrong.

超高压输电线路中,分布电容的影响不容忽略。In EHV transmission lines, distribution capacity cant be neglected.

中电与港灯的输电系统,由横跨海港的电缆连接。HEC transmission systems are interconnected by a cross-harbour link.

背靠背直流输电系统主要应用于电力系统的非同步互联。BTB-system is mostly applied to electric Grid of non-synchronization.

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高压直流输电系统中最关键的部分是控制保护部分。Control and protect section is the most pivotal section in HVDC system.

许继于2002年开展了用于高压直流输电的测控装置的研发工作。From 2002 XJ start a new Measure and Control Equipment developing work.

贵粤第四回输电线路工程项目是可行的。The fourth Return AC Line Engineering of Gui –Yue project is practical.

本文就高压直流输电的技术、特点及应用作一些探讨。This paper HVDC technology , character and application of presentation.

在两区域交直流并联输电系统中,对本文所设计的控制规律进行了仿真计算。The new control method is simulated in a two-area parallel ac-dc system.

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论文对采用电容换相换流器的高压直流输电系统运行特性进行了研究。The system performance of a HVDC link applying CCC technology is studied.

换相电抗是高压直流输电系统中的一项重要技术参数。Commutated reactance is an important parameter in HVDC transmission system.

该方法将线路的输电权放在远期市场中和电量一起进行交易。In the method, FTR of every line is sold in forward market like electricity.

同时,指出了灵活交流输电技术今后的发展趋势及美好发展前景。Finally, the development trend and foreground of the technology are presnted.

直流输电系统接地极电流对交流电网的影响分析。Analysis on influence of ground electrode current in HVDC on AC power network.

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电晕是输电线路设计和运行中面临的重要问题之一。Corona is one of key problems in the design and operation of transmission lines.

看到的东方白鹳巢,多建在输电电塔上。Many oriental storks' nests are built on the electric power transmission towers.

中电与港灯的输电系统,由横跨海港的电缆连接。The CLP and HEC transmission systems are interconnected by a cross-harbour link.