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未来的舌头也会将你永传诵。And tongues to be, your being shall rehearse.

不像冻在琥珀里的昆虫化石,被人传诵的故事是活生生的。Unlike the insect frozen in amber, a told story is alive.

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心,已经坐在菩提树下,一羽莲花,传诵淡定的空寂。Heart, already sit under the bodhi tree, a lotus, be calm and empty.

传说会被永世传诵,他的名字也会永远被铭记。Long will the legend be told, and forever will his name be remembered.

歌调很古老,从圣殿建立以来一直传诵于每位总领的葬礼。The melody was ancient, sung at every master’s funeral since the Beginning.

这都是我们熟悉的故事,他们在以色列为人熟知,被反复传诵。These were familiar stories, They were known in Israel, they were recounted in Israel.

人类历史最初皆以口语传诵为主,而以结绳刻契帮助记忆。Human history began with oral stories with knot making and carving to strengthening memory.

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母爱如水,母爱无疆,浩如烟海的文字传诵着对母亲的赞美。Motherly love, such as water, non-maternal Xinjiang, a vast text read to the mother's praise.

有鼓诗,实际是鼓的语言,传诵国王的历史等等。There’s drum poetry, actually language on drums, that is recited — the history of the king, and so forth.

对于平民大众或学识较浅的人来说,读诗能听之入耳,好记易懂且能传诵。For the common people or knowledge is shallow people, reading a poem to the ear, and can be easy to remember.

奥巴马在白宫的表彰仪式上说,梅耶的事迹很快将被世代所传诵。During the White House ceremony, Mr. Obama said that what Sgt. Meyer did next would be told 'for generations.'

然而他的后代秦钜却走着与他截然相反的路,成了一名忠心报国千古传诵的英雄。However, his descendants Qin Ju but walk contrary to his road, became a patriotic hero widely read through the ages.

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这次的实验简直无可比拟,报章杂志争相传诵的溢美之辞,为公司免费打了价值逾百万美元的广告。The experiment was so unique that newspapers and magazines gave it more than a million dollars worth of laudatory publicity.

奴隶和异议人士如此低声传诵,使他们有力量在暗夜中燃亮一条通往自由之路。是的,我们办得到!It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom through the darkest of nights. Yes we can.

它的湖光之美,物产之丰,文物之盛,民风之厚被历代文人墨客广为传诵。Its electric beauty, the product of Feng, Heritage of Sheng, folk customs are the thick widely read by generations breweries.

于是写下了千古传诵,脍炙人口的佳句“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”。So wrote a widely read through the ages, famous lines, "the Green River south bank of the spring again, when the moon as I also."

谁不知道民间文学就是在民众中口耳相传、世代传诵的文学作品?Who does not know the people in the folk literature is word of mouth, passed down from generation to generation of literary works?

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中国如何从美国把钱弄到手的故事,被重复传诵着,尤其1950年代,是轰动一时的新闻。The story of how China got Qian back from the U. S. has been told many times, not least in the early 1950s, when it was current news.

柏拉图说过亚特兰蒂斯比他所处的时代还早9000年,并且关于它的故事是由诗人,祭司以及其他各种各样的人传诵下来。Plato said Atlantis existed about 9, 000 years before his own time, and that its story had been passed down by poets, priests, and others.

一些民俗学家便将其传诵下来,最突出的例子是来自谢蒂坎普,布雷顿角的安塞尔姆恰森之父。A few folklorists became repositories of the oral tradition, the most prominent example being Father Anselme Chiasson from Cheticamp, Cape Breton.