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聚焦于关系构建。Focus on relationship-building.

但是我们聚焦的方向却错了。But we're getting the focus wrong.

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还发现了非主力链的“聚焦”现象。Non-main force chains were observed.

聚焦在能服务于你的目标的那些事实上。Focus on the facts that serve your goal.

什么是你聚焦?起来,新禹!What are you staring at? Get on, Shinwoo!

这两本书共同聚焦于这一广受瞩目的话题。Two books focus on this fascinating subject.

物镜聚焦最靠近载片为何者?。Which objective focuses closest to the slide?

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它在清醒状态时聚焦于物质实相。In the waking state it focuses in physical reality.

自聚焦棒是一种新型的光学材料。Self focusing rod is a kind of new optical material.

我的一个信条——聚焦和简化。That’s been one of my mantras —focus and simplicity.

闪光灯束可以用透视镜重新聚焦。The beam of flashlight can be refocused with lenses.

这种肿胀会导致聚焦和视敏度异常。The swelling interferes with focus and blurs vision.

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今日欧洲市场将聚焦于德国ZEW经济预期指数。European activity will be centered on the German ZEW.

在这样的视野中,笔者聚焦于小组合作管理。In this perspective, we focus on group co-management.

等电聚焦可以用为另一指标。Isoelectric focusing may be used as another indication.

所有的变焦,聚焦和镜头移动调整手册。All zoom , focus, and lens shift adjustments are manual.

宝洁有21个第二品牌,每个品牌都有聚焦效果。P &G has 21 second brand, each brand has focused effect.

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文中还给出了几种准直和聚焦的光学系统。Some of the collimating and re focusing optics are given.

把你的能量聚焦到最重要和最亲爱的人身上。Focus your life around that most important and dearest thing.

这些都是一些在水人之月中聚焦的很好问题。These are good questions to ask in the Water People moon cycle.