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你一定是道听途说。You must have heard it through the grapevine.

虽眼见亦不能全信,道听途说更不足信。Believe not whatever you see nor half what you hear.

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太史公道听途说,无非是为了捍卫历史的记忆。It's nothing more than to defend the historical memory.

没有人自称喜欢道听途说,但人人都乐此不倦。Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.

被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说。The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay.

那人恍然大悟,从此以后再也不到处传播道听途说的消息了。The man took a tumble and never spread the overhead news ever since.

不过,你也可以将这些消息看做谣传或是道听途说。Nevertheless, you are OK also these message regard as bru it or it is gossip.

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他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using.

哪怕只传传流言蜚语和道听途说都能灌输强烈影响。Even just passing gossip and hearsay can prime your mind for illness with potent effect.

当我浏览科学作品的时候,我发现这个理论全都是基于民间传说和道听途说的。It was all based upon folklore and hearsay when I looked through the scientific literature.

很多关于支出回升的证据都是道听途说的,很大程度上是因为这都是近期的事情。Much of the evidence for the spending rebound is anecdotal, largely because it is so recent.

虽然以上这些看上去很像道听途说,但还是有相当的科学研究可以证实这些。While this may seem like largely anecdotal advice, there's plenty of research to back it up.

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但这些反对教育的言论大多基于道听途说的个例和有限的事实。But the anti-education case usually relies on a combination of anecdotes and selective facts.

历史上有些人把宋人笔记小说视为街谈巷语、道听途说的小说家言,并未给予足够的重视。Some people treat Song person's notes novel as street gossip and is not to be talon seriously.

如果你想投资那些小型优质股,你得避开那些道听途说的情报。If you're going to invest in small-cap rocket stocks, please avoid the whisper-stock party tips.

像我们这些试图从邻近的贝鲁特报道此事件的人只能依靠道听途说,更不用说图片了。Those of us trying to cover the story from nearby Beirut had little more to work with than hearsay, and

这是毫无根据的说法、道听途说、暗示、联想或是猜想,显然这缺乏证明及证据。It's allegation, heresay, implication, association or conjecture and notably lacking in proof or evidence.

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再者,约翰拉贝日记里写的所有东西都是道听途说。这真的很讨厌,道听途说是不能当作事实的。More over all John Rabe wrote in his diary were hearsays. It's really annoying, hearsays wer treated as facts.

拒绝相信自己或是他人的任何谎言----包括道听途说之言。Refusing to believe lies about myself or others regardless of the source -- including what I hear from within.

也会下隧道去看,总比别人慌慌张张道听途说的好。Will also descend the tunnel sees, always listen to than other people panic nervous Zhang Dao the way say well.