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根据美国运动医学学院的研究,患感冒时进行锻炼不会使病情加重。not make the cold worse.

他的病情恶化了。His condition was soured.

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他的病情急速恶化。His condition rapidly worsened.

王国成的病情日渐恶化。Guocheng's condition deteriorated.

他的病情有了转机。His illness took a favourable turn.

他的病情因焦虑而加重。His illness was aggravated by anxiety.

患者是一名8岁男孩,他正在住院治疗,病情稳定。He is hospitalized in stable condition.

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坏天气加重了他的病情。The bad weather aggravated his illness.

你一定要监察这位老人的病情。You must monitor the old man's illness.

我以为会有时间再来谈谈他的病情。I believed there would be time for that.

我们觉得那时候发现了病情是不幸中的万幸。I feel so lucky we found it when we did.

据说他的病情危殆。His condition is reported as being critical.

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忧虑使他的病情加剧了。His illness is being aggravated by anxieties.

她说我已经过了病情最严重的阶段。She said I was over the worst of the disease.

他的病情应该减轻刑罚吗?Should his condition ameliorate the sentence?

秋深了,老妇人的病情变得更加糟糕。As autumn advanced, the old lady became worse.

他仍在医院治疗,病情危重。He remains in hospital in a critical condition.

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随着病情的加重,他的食欲下降了。His appetite lessens as his illness progresses.

另一方面,其他案例病情要更为难治一些。On the other hand, other cases are more chronic.

她仍然在接受治疗,病情稳定。She remains under treatment in stable condition.