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迷你裙又时髦起来了。Miniskirts are in again.

迷你裙又开始流行了。Miniskirts are back in style.

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迷你裙适合女孩子穿。Mini-skirts become young girls.

阳光明媚的里昂在她的迷你裙!猫叫!Sunny Leone in her mini skirt! Miaow!

去年夏天流行迷你裙。Mini-skirts were in fashion last summer.

去年夏天风行迷你裙。Mini-skirts were in fashion last summer.

她穿了一件露背装还有迷你裙。She wore a backless top and a mini skirt.

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你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样?。How do you think it gose with a miniskirt?

你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样?How do you think it goes with a miniskirt?

那个马子穿那件迷你裙超辣的。That chick is super hot in that mini-skirt.

真可爱。迷你裙今年又兴回来了。It's cute. Mini-skirts are in fashion again.

牛仔裤、迷你裙和运动鞋都是被禁止的。Jeans, miniskirts, and sport shoes are barred.

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模特身上展示的这条迷你裙在哪儿?Where is the miniskirt displayed on the manikin?

模特儿身上展示的这条迷你裙在哪儿?。Where is the miniskirt displayed on the manikin?

外面太冷了,我不能穿迷你裙。It's cold outside. I just can't wear my miniskirt.

她常穿一件迷你裙。她线条很美。She often has a mini-skirt on. She's in good shape.

我相信迷你裙会再度流行。I believe miniskirts will soon be all the rage again.

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她结婚时竟穿了条迷你裙,太不像话了!She wears a miniskirt to her wedding. It's outrageous.

迷你裙很流行,粉红和绿色也很流行。Miniskirts are in. And pink and green colors are in, too.

而穿小迷你裙的时候就可以用松垮的毛衣来搭配。If you wear a micro-mini skirt pair it with a big sweater.