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自行火炮发射动力学研究?。On Launching Dynamics of Self-Propelled Cannons?

在西里西亚我们看到的坦克和自行火炮一样多。We saw equal quantities of tanks and SPG's in Silesia.

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这些可能用于主战坦克,我猜会部署自行火炮。These may be used for MBTS but I suspect self-propelled artillery.

介绍了自行火炮发射时的可视化研究。This paper presents visualization research on self-propelled gun at firing.

跟随以军地面部队进入的还有自行火炮,它们不断向以军部队前方发射炮弹。Israeli artillery, which followed the ground forces, kept firing shells in front of Israeli army.

机场以东有有一到两个的M109自行火炮连,如果我没记错,还有一个爱国者防空导弹连。There was a battery or two of M109 's east of the airfield, and if I remember right, a patriot battery.

提出一种子结构广义模态综合法运用于自行火炮动力学分析。This paper presents a substructure generalized mode synthesis method applied to the gun dynamic analysis.

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履带板的疲劳寿命是自行火炮维修保障体系中急缺的指标。The fatigue life of the creeper tread is lacking in the maintenance support system of the self-propelled gun.

抽气装置是坦克炮、自行火炮等固定火炮的必备装置。The powder gases pump is an essential device on tank artillery, self-propelled artillery and other fixed artilleries.

采用面向对象方法,开发了一个自行火炮故障预测模糊专家系统。A fuzzy expert system on the fault forecasting for a self propelled gun is developed using an object oriented approach.

该模型可以为自行火炮装备的维修保障能力建设提供理论依据。The theoretical base was provided by the model to the maintenance support ability building of self-propelled gun effectively.

将故障诊断专家系统引入自行火炮故障诊断领域为自行火炮故障诊断提供了新的方法。Introducing fault diagnosis expert system into fault diagnosis of self-propelled gun can provide new method for fault diagnosis.

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多路位置控制是大口径自行火炮武器弹药自动装填控制系统的难点之一。Multi-path position control is one of the key problems of large caliber self-propelled gun automatic ammunition handling system.

测试动载荷是通过前人所建自行火炮行走系虚拟样机在虚拟路面上行驶实现的。In this paper, the testing of dynamic loads is realized through former virtual running system prototype working on the virtual road.

多路位置控制是大口径自行火炮武器弹药自动装填控制系统的难点之一。Signal collection of multi-path position control in the large closed-loop and its control were carried out by programmable controller.

将该方法应用到某型自行火炮润滑油分析数据中,证明了该方法的有效性。The prediction method was applied in the lubricant analysis data of some self-propelled gun, which proves that the method is effective.

计算机技术的发展给自行火炮测瞄装置自动检测技术提供了强有力的手段。The development of the computer technology has provided powerful means for the automatic testing of the range-finding and aiming device.

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快速有效地诊断和排除自行火炮故障是当前装备维修保障工作的重点。To diagnose and remove faults of self-propelled gun rapidly and effectively is an important work in current armament maintenance and support.

他最早的概念画是安装在平板上的自行火炮,但乔治·卢卡斯建议换成步行机,类似AT-TE的姐妹。His initial concepts had the self-propelled cannon be mounted on treads, but George Lucas instead suggested that it be a walker like its AT-TE cousin.

准确计算自行火炮的振动特性是发射动力学研究的重要内容。It is one of the most important contents to accurately compute the vibration characteristics of self-propelled artillery in the launch dynamics study.