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马甲,马甲,更多的马甲。Vests, vests, and more vests.

她的紧身马甲是用起皱的料子做的。Her bodice was made of crinkly material.

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短马靴中部的弯曲以及天鹅绒马甲贴身舒适。Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug.

他经常穿一件单薄的马甲,戴一顶有绶带的高帽。He often wore a simple vest and a cylindrical, tasseled hat.

浅色外套配深色马甲如何?Well, what about a lightish jacket with a darkish waistcoat?

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。The sleeves of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows.

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。He left off hellos waistcoat as soon as he came into the room.

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他们对他色彩艳丽的马甲横加评论。They made comments about the too-colourful waistcoats that he wore.

这么大了——一个还没长到我马甲第一颗纽扣高的小家伙!Too big—a little fellow not so high as the first button on my vest!

奇怪的是,马甲说他父母并不知道他每天晚上作黑客。Oddly, Majia said his parents did notknow that he was hacking at night.

流言寄生于灌水,被马甲传播,被愤青认可。Rumors is carried by chatters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

马甲,说话声音很低,是个20出头的大学毕业生,也是个网盗。Majia, a soft-spoken college graduate in his early 20s, is a cyberthief.

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乐手们奏乐,宠物主人让自己的狗穿上反核建马甲。Musicians played and pet owners dressed their dogs in anti-nuclear vests.

不要把餐巾塞入马甲或围在下颚像婴儿的围兜。Don't tuck the napkin in your vest or put it under chin like a baby's bib.

马甲似乎不太在意这法律,主要是因为这执行得不严。Majia seems to disregard the law, largely because it is notstrictly enforced.

亨利出来时砰的一声关门,边走边往马甲里塞领带。Henry came banging out of the door, shoving his tie inside his vest as he came.

佩带左轮手枪穿着马甲的警官站在法庭周围。Police officers with revolvers and wearing bullet-proof vests ringed the court.

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如果你运动剧烈的话,一个沉重的夹克或者马甲会让你过热。A heavy down jacket or vest may cause you to overheat if you're exercising hard.

专家说,经济刺激催生了中国很多年轻的如”马甲“一样的黑客。Financial incentives motivatemany young Chinese hackers like Majia, experts say.

用长马甲外穿取代代外套或者单穿都是极好的选择。We even like it worn over a dress as an alternative to a coat or even worn alone.