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万寿台上,向金日成铜像鞠躬的人们。People bowing to Mansudae Grand Monument, Mansu Hill.

铁人王进喜的铜像就伫立在我们的校园里。Bronze statue of Iron Man Wang Jinxi to stand on our campus.

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在纪念堂前竖立着孙中山先生的铜像。In front of the Hall stands a bronze statue of Dr Sun Yat-sen.

刚才,我参加了孔子铜像的揭幕典礼。A short while ago, I attended the unveiling of the statue of Confucius.

万寿台,金日成铜像旁的人民解放纪念碑。Mansudae Grand Monument, Mansu Hill, people's revolutionary struggle memorial.

是法律模子中浇铸出来的一整个主惩罚的铜像。To be the statue of Chastisement cast in one piece in the mould of the law, and.

另一方面,这次这座关于孔子的新铜像的树立好像起了反作用。The new Confucius statue, on the other hand, appears to have struck a wrong note.

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最初在奥斯卡颁奖礼上颁发的小金人都是镀金实心铜像。The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze.

耶稣铜像穿着短袖衬衫和牛仔裤,其头发和胡子也修剪得既整齐又时髦。Christ is also wearing a shirt with his hair and beard neat and fashionably trimmed.

手稿是找到了,可是那个铜像却始终没有着落。The manuscript was found but the whereabouts of the Kalpa Vigraha is still a mystery.

这荧玫瑰铜像面部辉光让你的肤色温暖,微妙的光泽。This glimmering rose bronze facial glow gives your complexion a warm, delicate sheen.

可以从林荫大道走下去。这条路又宽阔,又干净,还有几尊美丽的铜像。We can walk down the Mall which is wide and clean with quite a number of beautiful statues.

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闲置地陈列在威亭顿的美术馆里的威廉近来的铜像作品深深地吸引了我。William held me longest with his recent bronzes sparely arranged at Waddington's galleries.

该铜像于1884年在法国完成,随后拆卸分运到纽约重新组合。Completed in France in 1884, the statue was disassembled, shipped to New York, and reassembled.

这是朝鲜的建国者金正日的纪念碑,一个巨大的20米高的铜像。This is a monument to North Korea's founder, Kim Il-sung, a massive 20-metre-high bronze statue.

南京路附近的十字路口站在什么是目前唯一铜像沿外滩。Near the Nanjing Road intersection stands what is currently the only bronze statue along the Bund.

日前,英国足球界传奇人物布赖恩·克拉夫的铜像在其家乡米德尔斯堡落成。Footballing legend Brian Clough has been honoured in Middlesbrough, his home town, with a bronze statue

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目前,已有五个兽首铜像归还中国,其余的五个下落不明。Five of the bronzes have been returned to China while the whereabouts of the remaining five are unknown.

与金字塔至今仍旧存在形成鲜明对比的是,罗得岛太阳神铜像在世界七大奇迹中,最为短命。In contrast to the pyramids, the colossus was the shortest lived of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

今年印度总统帕蒂尔女士访华期间,泰戈尔的半身铜像落户上海。During Indian President Pratibha Patil's trip to China this year, a bronze bust of Tagore ----- in Shanghai.