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婴儿从不知道如何哭泣,因为他居住在一片完美的乐土上。Baby never knew how to cry.

照片上的每一处都可视为天堂乐土。Think of each one as paradise in a photograph.

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更是爱竹之人的乐土。For those who love bamboo, it is indeed heaven.

它既是你的办公室和社交中心,也是你的乐土。It's your office, your social center, your Cheers.

我的乐土就在墨西哥的洛斯卡布斯。My happy place is Casa Dorada in Los Cabos, Mexico.

澳大利亚,别墅设计者的乐土。Australia is known as the heaven for the villa designers.

智慧的天地,和平的乐土,湿地,山丘,高山。Land of knowledge, land of peace, Terai, hills, mountains.

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只有精忠能报国,更无乐土可为家。Only loyalty can serve the country, no more land for home.

昔日,在这片乐土上大象可要比我们人类成就斐然。In times past the elephants were more successful than people.

硅谷一直是企业春秋大梦的乐土。Silicon Valley is company year great dream all the time is Elysian.

它是双髻鲨、白鳍鲨以及鳐鱼的乐土。It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks as well as manta rays.

我们必须同心协力,让这个世界成为值得孩子们生活的乐土。You must work — we must all work — to make the world worth of its children.

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参加宝物乐土的旅程来探究并猜一些你最喜欢的物件。Join BabyTV on a journey to explore and guess some of your favourite objects.

酸性土壤是线虫和寄生蛔虫的乐土,而这些害虫会将农作物摧毁。Acidic soil is paradise for nematodes, parasitic roundworms that destroy crops.

我已别无所求,只想跟着你漫步天国,和朋友们一起,去一个没有地图的乐土。I've wanted to walk in such a place with you, with friends. An earth without maps.

波光嶙峋、鸽舞翩然,极好的解释了乐土的童话正题。Rippling water and cavorting pigeons perfectly depict the fairy tale theme of the park.

现在的问题是这片悠闲的乐土是否会成为自身成功的牺牲品。The question now is whether this laid-back enclave will become a victim of its own success.

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望眼特拉维夫的北部海滨,乐土公司的产品陈列室建立在一个油罐储存地的废墟上。Within sight of the beach north of Tel Aviv, it was built on the ruins of an oil-tank farm.

我已别无所求,只想跟着你漫步天国,与我们的朋友一道,去一个没有地图的乐土。That's all I've wanted, to walk in such a place with you, with friends, an Earth without maps.

但无疑,万宝龙因其得天独厚的条件,成为很多贵族葡萄的乐土。That's an artistic saying. But certainly Marlborough is the heaven of the noble grape varieties.