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撕开他们的假面具吧!Tear away their veil of shams!

他外套的线缝被撕开了。The seam of his coat is pulled.

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他外套的线缝被撕开了。The seam of the coat was pulled.

就连电影都能撕开旧伤。Even movies can reopen raw wounds.

信封封缄被人撕开了。The envelope's seal was torn open.

我默默地点了点头,他就撕开了信封。I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope.

天使想支撑我的心。而恶魔却想把它撕开。Which angels hold. And devils pull apart.

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卡尔撕开了一包那种便携装的爆玉米花。Cal ripped open a bag of that smart popcorn.

鸡鸣撕开了夜幕,月流向中天。Cock ripped the night, on the flow of transit.

裁切时勿将保护膜撕开。Do not peel off protective films when cutting.

他用拙笨的手指撕开信封。He tore open the envelope with clumsy fingers.

莱门把那包东西顶上的封套撕开。Lyman tore the cover from the top of the package.

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1937—45年的中日战争把中国撕开了。The Sino-Japanese War of 1937–45 tore China apart.

看到油画被撕开一个口子,我哭了。Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

现在很多人撕开和工作在非常酸的建筑。Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings.

撕开权利的中间新月形的在后喇叭膝行。Torn posterior horn of medial meniscus of right knee.

白皙的手指轻巧地解开绳子、敏捷地撕开了包皮纸。White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer.

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你可以顺着齿孔线把邮票撕开。You can separate the stamps along the perforated line.

当然坚韧的鹿皮并不容易撕开。It surely not a easy thing to tear the skin of chital open.

检查出多尔夫越来越多跳后撕开照片。Check out more photos of Dolph getting ripped after the jump.