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柴油可用作柴油机燃料。Gas-oil is used as diesel fuel.

一名柴油列车列车长又该如何是好?Or a conductor on a diesel train?

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道依茨风冷柴油发电机组。Diesel gen-set with Double cylinders.

我爸爸有一辆柴油引擎的卡车。My father has a diesel-engined truck.

生物柴油是一种新型的生物质能源。Biodiesel is a new kind of bio-energy.

最好的柴油电力混合动力车是每加仑柴油5.3英里。The best diesel electrics got 5.3 mpg.

你的车用柴油还是汽油?Fährt dein Auto mit Diesel oder Benzin?

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他们在这个房间里操作柴油发电机。They operate diesel engines in this room.

唐荣制柴油动力架线测试车,苏澳站。A power line testing vehicle at Su-Ao Station.

柴油是井场上最有用的燃料。打井机厂家。Diesel oi1 is the most useful fuel on the loc.

柴油发动机可靠并经久耐用。The diesel engine is reliable and longlasting.

我们在加油站加满了柴油。We filled up with diesel at the petrol station.

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柴油发电机的大小取决于最大峰值负载。DEGs are usually sized to the maximum peak load.

这种手扶拖拉机靠柴油运转。This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil.

更多信息见柴油发动机工作原理。See How Diesel Engines Work for more information.

紧急柴油发电机已损坏。The emergency diesel generators have been damaged.

螺旋桨叶由柴油发动机驱动。The propeller blade is powered by a diesel engine.

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除此以外,粗制的管道线路还可以用来供应柴油和天然气。Diesel and gas flow through jerry-rigged pipelines.

很多全世界的巴士都用柴油作为燃料的。Most buses around the world run on diesel fuel. Mr.

螺旋桨叶由柴油发动机驱动。The blade of the electric fan is covered with dust.