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我们无处可去,却行色匆匆。We are going nowhere, but fast.

叶子们不希望我们行色匆匆Their leaves do not wish us to hurry

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当然,纽约是个行色匆匆的城市。New York of course is a walking town.

路上人群稀落,行色匆匆。Its few people on the road, walked quickly.

地铁里的人们总是行色匆匆,而我也不例外,但是这次感觉更加的复杂。The subway will always, I am no exception, but the feeling is more complicated.

但这些被大风刮倒的树干能否让你想起行色匆匆的路人呢?But doesn't that big branch knocked down by a storm remind you of a walking man?

可是,该走的已经走了,行色匆匆,该来的也不曾到来,林林总总。However, the go has gone, be in a hurry to depart, the to did not come, numerous.

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在上次,我们记得人们跟你对话简短,不粗鲁,只是行色匆匆和目的性强。And on our last visit we remember folks being kurt, not rude, just busy and to the point.

来到宝岛繁华的城市台北,这里车水马龙高楼矗立行色匆匆。Come to the island's bustling cities Taipei, here pedestrians buildings stands an enormous hurry.

你们凭栏临风顺流疾驰,行色匆匆,我也凝神伫立急遽向前。Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current , I stood yet was hurried.

试着怜悯那个人,记住这样行色匆匆结果是多么痛苦。Try to have compassion for the person and remember how painful it is to be in such an enormous hurry.

在香港几乎每个人都是行色匆匆,手上拿着黑莓手机,奔赴一个又一个约会。Out here everyone is incessantly on the go, running Blackberry in hand from appointment to appointment.

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许多人在你生活中行色匆匆,只有真正的朋友在你的心田驻足。Many people will walk in and out of your life, But only ture friends will leave footprints in your heart.

在纽约的大街小巷上,人们行色匆匆地穿梭于店铺之间,忙着购买圣诞礼物。All over the streets of New York City, people are bustling in and out of shops, buying Christmas presents.

2003年炎炎夏日里的某一天,汕头机场候机大厅步出一位行色匆匆的男子。One fine day in the burning summer of 2003, a man was walking in a hurry in the reception hall of Swatow Airport.

白天,人们推着简陋的手推车一路行色匆匆,所有的家当都在车上,包括小孩。During the day, people walk around pushing their belongings -- including their children -- in makeshift wheelbarrows.

上初中的时候,一个宿舍的同学总是行色匆匆,应酬繁多,看起来很热闹。On the junior high school when a student dormitory is always bustling, entertaining many, it seems very popular place.

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以前牠总是很讨厌去美容中心,因为处理牠的那位员工总是行色匆匆、且脾气又坏。She used to hate to go to the groomer because the woman was always in a rush and inclined to be bad-tempered and harsh.

路上人迹罕至,即便偶有行人,也是裹着口罩,行色匆匆,将自己包裹在厚厚的衣服当中。The road less traveled, even if occasionally pedestrian, is wrapped in a mask, hurry, his clothes were wrapped in thick.

为了得到什么或去到某个地方,我们总是行色匆匆,似乎不再有时间以这种最基本的方式打招呼了。In our never-ending rush to get something or somewhere, it seems we don't have time anymore for this most basic of gestures.