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梅花在早春开花。The flowers wake in spring.

再拿出梅花A和梅花A上面一张。Take A and A plum plum above a.

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雪在下,梅花在开放。Snow in the next, plum in the open.

月芽湖畔梅花开。The plum blooms by the Crescent Lake.

他从梅花3一下子跳叫到黑桃4。He jumped from 3 clubs to four spades.

漫山遍野都是盛开的梅花。Plum blossoms are blooming everywhere.

你用两个梅花争叫是很聪明。You're clever to overcall with two clubs.

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平冈公园以梨子树及梅花闻名北海道。Hiraoka Park's plum is famous in Hokkaido.

它意味着红心、黑桃、红方块、或者梅花。It means Hearts, Spades, Diamonds or Clubs.

台风“梅花”登陆可能在中国登陆,大风暴雨将来袭。Typhoon Muifa to bring gales, rain to China.

不经一番寒霜雪,那得梅花扑鼻香。After Hanshuang not snow, a plum blossom-Pubi.

梅花,每一树梅花都是一树诗。Plum-blossom , each tree was a poem in itself.

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看花间月影,抚梅花三弄!To see the shadow of plum blossom between, fu!

但有了梅花,那就是一种不同的景观。But with plum blossoms it is a different sight.

我也用梅花去联想一种品质。I also used to associate a quality plum blossom.

五腿间置镂雕梅花形底枨。There were flower shape plank between five legs.

未经一番寒彻骨,焉得梅花扑鼻香。Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.

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宝剑锋自磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。Fragrance of plum blossom is sweet in bitter cold.

但梅花令我们感到不同寻常的高兴。But the plum blossoms make us feel unusual delight.

但在梅花的陪伴下我们觉得更棒。But in company with the plum blooms we feel greater.