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小啾啾想去玩。Little ChuChu wants to play.

我听见鸟儿在枝头啾啾。I heard birds chirping in the tree.

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是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

外面,阳光照耀,小鸟啾啾。Outside, the sun shone and birds chirped.

鸟儿在枝头欢快地啾啾鸣唱。The birds chirp merrily at the top of tree.

一只鸟儿在树梢的枝丫上唧唧啾啾地唱着。A bird was singing in the topmost branches of the tree.

有一天,一只美丽的鸟坐在森林的一棵树上啾啾叫著。One day, a beautiful bird sat chirping in a tree in the forest.

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当啾啾叫的甲虫们打架的时候,这叫做啾啾甲虫之战。When tweetle beetles fight, it's called a tweetle beetle battle.

学会了生活,”这位演员曾在数天前啾啾。Have learnt to live with it, " the actor had tweeted a few days ago."

小鸟们在高大的橡树和榆树的绿叶垂垂的枝头上啾啾地叫着或颤声唱歌。The birds were twittering and trilling in the tall leafy boughs of oak and elm.

我们停了下来,听到了鸭子的一阵亲切叫唤,还有一大群啾啾的鸭鸣,声音十分微弱。We stopped, and heard a solicitous quacking and a great deal of faint squeaking.

两年前测试板球首战菲尔休斯啾啾,他已被下降上午骨灰在英国的第三次测试。Two years ago Test cricket opener Phil Hughes tweeted he had been dropped on the morning of the third Ashes Test in England.

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因为电线上的它们,像五线谱上小巧玲珑的音符,陪着“啾啾”的叫声,在鸣奏着春天的第一乐章。Because the wires on them, like small and exquisite on the staff of notes, with "chirp" sound, MingZou the first movement of the spring.

松鼠叽叽私语,鸟儿啾啾呢喃,来自南方的野鸟排成精巧的人字,从头顶上呱呱飞过,划破长空。Squirrels were chattering, birds singing, and over the head honked the wild-fowl driving up from the south in cunning wedges that split the air.

在那里我静静地享受那份悠闲,流水溅溅,鸟鸣啾啾,树声萦耳。我还喜欢看那片竹林。There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees.

鸟儿开始啾啾鸣叫,几个年轻人为下午的演练而联系例行的歌舞,看上去好像是这个与世隔绝的印度森林中的拉拉队员。Birds began to chatter. A dozen young people practiced song-and-dance routines for an afternoon rally, like cheerleaders marooned in the Indian forest.

在接下来的半小时里,他的生活,他所听到的啾啾没有暗的端倪,他的鸣叫是第一本拉登的最后时刻的公共记录。For the next half hour, he live-tweeted what he was hearing, without the faintest inkling that his tweets were the first public record of Osama Bin Laden's final moments.

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蟋蟀和蚱蜢接通到这种转动中,并在我们翅膀磨擦的运动中模拟了这种脉动,这就会在傍晚或夜间产生一种啾啾的鸣叫。Grasshoppers and Crickets attune to this rotation and mimic it in the movement of rubbing our wings together, which produces a hum late in the day or evening and at night.

正值中秋前夜,秋虫匍匐在草的深处唧唧啾啾,被你轻轻顶起挂上天空的月亮,像我的梦,通夜都在微笑。When the Mid-Autumn Festival Eve, autumn insects crawling in the grass inside chirp tweeted, were you gently lifting hanging on the moon in the sky, like my dreams, all smiles.

你只需放一些盆栽绿化空间,添几束鲜花,准备一盘录有啾啾鸟声的磁带,便能在大自然母亲的膝间安然入睡。All you need are some potted plants to green up the place, some fresh flowers and a pre-recorded cassette with chirping sounds of birds and you are all set to snooze in the laps of nature.