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你的雇主。Your employer.

雇主们开始停步不前。Employers balked.

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雇主授权。An employer mandate.

他的雇主扣了他的工资。His employer docked his pay.

它应该是雇主注意力集中。It should be employer focused.

很多雇主重新招聘的速度也比以往更慢。Many also were slower to rehire.

成为全球最佳雇主公司。To be the best employer company.

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雇主怕什么?What is this employer afraid of?

我的雇主代扣代缴税款。My employer is withholding taxes.

一些潜在的雇主纷纷对他们避而远之。Some potential employers shy away.

这个雇主只是个恶劣地土暴发户而已。The employer is a bad parvenu only.

这雇主们创造了好时机。This creates an obvious opportunity.

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那就是雇主不愿意雇佣工人。Employers don't want to hire workers.

那位雇主让他们整天干活。The employer kept them working all day.

雇主连一零吉都没给我。The employer never gave even one ringgit.

试图满足所有雇主的所有要求。Trying to be all things to all employers.

雇主希望你能采取主动。Employers want you to use your initiative.

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你怎样才能变成最佳雇主?How can you become the employer of choice?

雇主从事的是器具行业。The employer was in the appliance industry.

他的雇主对他提出诬告。His employer laid false charges against him.