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因为我们前锋是陀屎。Because our strikers are shite.

小陈是个好的左前锋。Xao Chen is a good left forward.

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我将守右前锋区域。I'll take the right forward zone.

小陈是个好的左前锋。Xiao Chen is a good left forward.

他打前锋速度够快吗?。Is he fast enough to play forward?

唐戈朗是这方面的前锋。Tanggelang forward in this regard.

双前锋的褶皱,直腿。Double-forward pleats, straight leg.

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他紧紧盯住他们的前锋。He is marking their forward closely.

小凌很适合做前锋。Ling is quite suited to be a forward.

小凌很适合做前锋。Ling is quite suited to is a forward.

山猫队前锋发挥的很出色。The Bobcats forwards also played well.

你是左前锋还是右前锋?Are you a left forward or right forward?

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前锋逐渐开始后撤。Gradually, forwards began to drop deeper.

部队前锋昨晚已经出发。The vanguard units started off last night.

快靶男子离开,强右前锋。Fast target men left, strong striker right.

我的表弟是足球运动员,他是前锋。My cousin is a soccer player,he is a striker.

比如,我就很喜欢AC米兰队的巴西前锋卡卡。I like Kaka, AC Milans Brazilian football star!

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你作为前锋,我在后面支持你。You are the vanguard, I will be your supporter.

波尔多前锋查马克已经是囊中之物。Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh is in the bag.

比如,我就很喜欢AC米兰队的巴西前锋卡卡。I like Kaka, AC Milan's Brazilian football star!