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凡俗而不洁净的物,从来没有入过我的口。Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.

彼得却说,主阿,这是不可的,凡俗物,和不洁净的物,我从来没有吃过。Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

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凤凰本非凡俗鸟,浴火重生更逍遥。Phoenix this non-mediocre bird, the bath fire rebirth is freer.

我提出的理论则是,人不能没有凡俗。The theory I bring forward is that he cannot do without the profane.

纯的,他没有过分的修饰,也不会被凡俗的丑陋所遮掩。Pure, he did not excessive refinement, and will not be secular by the ugly cover.

任由,脱离凡俗,去捕捉那前世菩提的花开花落,淡香来去。Let, from the mundane, to capture the preexistence of Bodhi flower, fragrance and.

彼得却说,主阿,这是不可的,凡俗物,和不洁净的物,我从来没有吃过。Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

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我说,主阿,这是不可的。凡俗而不洁净的物,从来没有入过我的口。I replied, 'Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'

因为我们自己本身沦落于那些世俗、凡俗、不洁以及亵渎的事当中。For we ourselves are wallowing in the things that are earthly, common, unclean, and profane.

为了这个缘故,它便成为不与凡俗为伍的君子以及真友谊的象征。This makes it a symbol for the gentleman not caring to cater to the public, and also for true friendship.

尽管你的凡俗理解会很贫乏,那些富有灵魂之人的灵性在必要层次清楚地知晓这些。Though your mortal understanding may be poor, the spirits of those ensouled are aware at the essential level.

随着岁月的无情流逝,我们是否还怀有同样的情感在我们凡俗的生命中留下痕迹。With the relentless passage of the years, we still harbor the same emotions leave traces in our mundane lives.

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传说有位艺术家,会调制一种不同凡俗的红色,是别的艺术家所不能模仿。There is a legend of an artist who had found the secret of a wonderful red which no other artist could imitate.

“我是南岳山上的仙女,”她说道,“是你和画匠将我带进这个凡俗的人世。"I am a fairy maiden from the Nanyue Mountains, " she said, "it is you and the painter who made me enter this world.

我们已经凄然失去那一种分别,就是那一种辨别神圣与凡俗之间迥异的意识。We have lost even the difference, the sense of the difference, between that which is sacred and that which is profane.

他从未拥有财势,他的亲朋也都平庸凡俗,没有受过训练或正规教育。He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His relatives were inconspicuous and had neither training nor formal education.

佛教显示出能适应环境变化的许多迹象,它对于凡俗化了的西方人们有特别的吸引力。Buddhism show many signs of being able to adapt to changing situations. It has particular attractions for secularized Westerners.

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因此,嫁给谁都后悔,你只能守着一份凡俗的婚姻,谁都不能幸免——因为女人也都是有缺点的人。Therefore, to marry anyone repent, you can keep a copy of ordinary marriage, who can't spared — because the woman also are flawed.

内容上突破了歌舞升平、祝寿、神仙道化、儿女情爱的藩篱,使杂剧内容开拓出一条警世现世,劝导尘凡俗人的新径。It broke through song and dance, birthday, god, love of content. To make opera have a word of warning, to persuade the new features.

这位才华横溢的歌者,无与伦比的艺人,终于可以从凡俗是非中解脱出来,在自己的音乐声中与世界告别。The talented singers, the artists unparalleled, and finally from out of the non-secular, in their own music with the world farewell.