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2008年杨毅受聘担任公司总经理。Mr. Yang was recruited as CEO in 2008.

暂时解雇不久后,工人们又再度受聘。Workers were re-employed after the layoff.

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求先生由一九八八年起受聘于本公司。Mr. Kau has been employed by us since 1988.

是否续聘受聘人?。Will you continue hiring the employed person?

你因智商受聘,因情商升迁。While IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted.

聘方未按时支付受聘方报酬。Party A fails to pay remuneration for Party B on time.

不久前的一天是多里斯先生受聘一周年的日子。One day a while ago marked the first anniversary of Mr.

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他受聘当了二十二年的卡车漆工。He was employed as a truck painter for thirty-two years.

我们为受聘者提供有竞争力的工资和福利。We offer competitive salary and benefits to might candidates.

受聘方同意本合同的各项条款。The engaged party agrees to all the articles in this contract.

受聘方的工作时间每周五天,每天七小时。The engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day.

受聘方在合同期内请病假,工资按课时费扣除。The salary of Party B will be deducted on the basis of the period.

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受聘于飞机或飞机部件制造商。They are employed by aircraft and aircraft subassembly manufacturers.

受聘的咨询顾问建议与商业界携手合作。The consultant hired suggested linking up with the business community.

当受聘人描述他们所做的,不要认为他们做的很好。When candidates describe what they did, don't assume it was done well.

戴维欣然受聘,来到贝多斯的研究所。However, Dai Weixin employed, Tony came to the meadows of the Institute.

有资历的母语教师受聘提供一对一语言辅导。Qualified native teachers are appointed for one-on-one language tutoring.

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在一般情况下,受聘人每星期工作不多于18小时。Normally, appointees will be required to work no more than 18 hours per week.

1943年,受聘于重庆国立艺术专科学校,任副教授。In 1943, employed in Chongqing, the National College of Art, associate professor.

本人此时受聘于北京中大天意药业有限公司,负责清旋降压片产品的营销工作。The company employed me that time, and I charged for selling of hypertension pill.