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为什么选择宝威学堂?Why do we choose Baowei school?

约翰参加许多学堂里的营谋。John takes part in many school avtivities.

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1897年,江苏出现了第一所师范学堂。In 1897, Jiangsu had the first normal school.

姚珍珍可是特地回来看栾学堂比赛的。Yao Zhenzhen but come back see Luan school game.

结果栾学堂没有在家,也没有在姚家!Results Luan school has no home, no at yaos home!

1912年,清华学堂更名为清华学校。The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912.

我的哭闹使我年龄不到就被送到东方学堂去了。My crying drove me prematurely into the Oriental Seminary.

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欢迎来到CS50学堂,这是第四周的课程。Alright, welcome back to CS50, this is the start of week 4.

也参与翻译李学堂教授的论文。我的兴趣广泛,如运动,绘画。Also involved in translation of Professor Li Xuetang papers.

假如你身高只有一寸,你或许会骑着蚯蚓去学堂。If you were only one inch tall, you’d ride a worm to school.

栾母教训栾学堂不该喝这么多酒。Mother Luan lesson Luan school shouldn t drink so much wine.

你当然不需要二十多年的学堂教育去理解这点。You don’t need twenty years of schooling to figure that one out.

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关雅丽拉走栾学堂,说只有出去才能想办法。GuanYa lugged Luan academy, said can only think of some way to go.

欢迎来到第一周的CS50学堂,我先和大家分享一个饼干人的爱情小故事。This is CS50, Week 1, thought we'd begin with a cookie love story.

我回去后进行研究,经过十多年的清华学堂。After I go back to study, for after ten years in the Tsinghua school.

自己来只是想和栾学堂商量怎么让姚珍珍死心。How to just want to consult with Luan school let Yao Zhenzhen be dead.

栾学堂出门去见金堂,正好遇见来找自己的甘思阳。Luan school to go out to see JTG, just met to find their own GanSiYang.

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这是上海首家私塾式学堂,共招收了12名全日制学生。The first of its kind in Shanghai, it has enrolled 12 full-time students.

栾学堂找了几个乞丐帮自己找,很快就找到了马三。Luan school found a few beggars help yourself, soon found the horse three.

但是还是慢了一步,胡局长的人先栾学堂一步,杀了马三!But still slow step, hu chief Luan school first one step, kill the horse three!