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完整的句子包含有主词和动词。Complete sentences have a subject and a verb.

句子通常包括主词和动词。A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb.

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在数和人称方面动词必须与其主词一致。A verb must agree with its subject in number and person.

在数和人称方面动词必须与其主词一致。The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.

现进一步讨论主词与谓词的特性。We now go closer into the specialty of subject and predicate.

当我言说时,我自己并不知道,这个事实使我成为动词的主词的「我」。What speaks without knowing it makes me " I, " subject of the verb.

实体被人设想为是变化不同的谓语之永恒不变的主词。A substance was supposed to be the persistent subject of varying predicates.

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每个段落要有中心主旨,每句话要有主词、动词。Be sure each paragraph has a central idea, and that each sentence has a subject and verb.

按照它的思想来说,主词是个体,谓词是共体。In point of thought, the subject is primarily the individual, and the predicate the universal.

在激情领域,专有名词被理解充当是纯粹不定词的主词。The proper name is the subject of a pure infinitive comprehended as such in a field of intensity.

这个阶段电视散文还属于散文的电视化,主词仍然落在文字文本上。During that time, the TV essay was a type of televised essay, whoseemphasis was still on the text.

你们的作业就是利用自己抽到的主词,动词和受词组成一句句子。Your homework is to choose one of the subjects, verbs and objects below and make in to a sentence.

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假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development.

也就是说,不同式的动词是用来表明动词与其主词或受词之间的不同关系。That is to say, different voices show the different relationships between the verb and its subject or its object.

但对主词谓词关系的这种看法,却与联系词“是”矛盾。Such a conception of the relation between subject and predicate however is at once contradicted by the copula 'is'.

照这种说法,主词便是外在的独立自存之物,而谓词就被认为只是从我们脑子里找出来的东西。Language like this looks upon the subject as self-subsistent outside, and the predicate as found somewhere in our head.

照定义,每个句子都会有一个主要的子句。每个子句都会有其主词及谓词,包括其动词。By definition, every sentence must have a main clause. Every clause has a subject and a predicate, which includes its verb.

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主词列表数据文件的格式及默认位置也发生了改变。现在数据与机器无关。Also the format and default locations of the main word list data files changed in the process and the data is now machine dependent.

我的日本朋友直接向我美国室友纠正,”你的英文错了唷,你刚刚说做晚餐,忘了加上一个主词”。My Japanese friend said to my roommate "your English is wrong. You just said 'making dinner' you didn't even use a subject in that sentence".

以外,其他以蜂蜜作为产品名称或产品名称主词的产品均应符合本标准。Except for comb honey, any other products using honey as the name of the products and subject term of the name of the products shall meet this standard.