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将心比心地感谢他们,赞美他们。Thank them and send compliments their way.

将心比心,关注客户的利益和感受。Caring about the customers concern and feeling.

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你应当将心比心,别太苛刻了。You should feel for others. Don't be too harsh.

将心比心,你就能了解她的心情。By putting yourself in her shoes, you will understand her feeling.

将心比心,你如果生活在一个黑白颠倒的世道里,除了找些借口抱怨,还能做什么?When you live a life filled with wrong, what else do you have but excuses and blame?

站在客户的立场考虑问题,将心比心,如果是自己,会接受吗?Stand in the position of the client to consider the issue, Care, if they will accept it?

我认为我们应当将心比心,站在别人的位置上考虑问题。Personally, I think we should be thoughtful, put ourself in that position and consider things for others first.

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从此以后我尽力去体恤别人,以及他的内心感受,将心比心。I with every effort show solicitude for others from now, as well as his innermost feelings feeling, feels for others.

弗罗说,你可以将心比心地为你要感谢的人考虑,并发自心内地判断自己的本意,从而避免犯下这样的错误。Froh says you can avoid this by being empathic toward the person you are thanking―and by honestly assessing your motivations.

同时要学会宽容他人,将心比心,即应尽量站在别人的立场上,衡量别人的意见、建议和感受,反思自己的态度和方法。That's stand your partner's point, measure their views, proposals and feelings, then think back to your attitude and methods.

多站在对方的立场,将心比心地想,必定能更了解你的另一半。Standing on the other side of the position more, thinking about the feeling, you will be able to learn more about your partner.

切尔西的主教练穆里尼奥表示,在经过一次将心比心的谈话以后,他和老板阿布拉莫维奇的关系已经明显得到改善。Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has revealed he and Roman Abramovich have repaired their relationship after clear-the-air talks last week.

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两个人的爱要彼此付出,需要将心比心,只要不抛弃,不放弃,相信会有真爱的存在。Two people love to pay each other, need to feel for others, if not abandon, do not give up, I believe there will be true love exists.

将心比心,即便热心的纪子也承认她有时候也会忘记她死去的丈夫。The warm -hearted Noriko confesses to forgetting occasionally about her dead husband, measuring herself against a cruelly high standard.

面对这些精明的客人时,傅总坚持“将心比心”四个字,相信用自己的真心必定会换到别人的真情。When dealing with these shrewd people, Ms Fu adheres to the principle of "feeling for others" and believes that her sincerity would surely win others' hearts.

不同于在这个星球上任何其他的动物,人类可以学习和理解未曾经历过的东西。他们可以将心比心、设身处地的理解他人。Unlike any other creature on this planet, human beings can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people's places.

埃迪在狱中学过绘画,如今,他将心比心,开始真诚地教孩子们画画,并尝试着以好言相劝,让他们知道那些经历过暴力伤害的人受到的心灵创伤是巨大的。Soulful and empathic, Eddie, who learned to paint in prison, teaches art to children, trying to warn them of the debilitating trauma experienced by those touched by the violence.