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“和而不同”理念推动了人的民主意识的培养。" Harmony in Diversity" Promotes the cultivation of people's democratic consciousness.

然而,二者均以“正义”为终极目标,因而在“和而不同”之中又表现出融通的迹象。However, both regard the justice as the ultimate goal and then show signs of financing.

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和而不同,就是一种具有现代价值的统战方法。Thereinto, "Harmonious but dissimilar" is a kind of united front idea with modem worth.

这一交融的过程中,形成了具有塔城当地特点的“和而不同”的文化场域。In the process of blending, the Tacheng feature"concord but different"cultural Field takes shape.

三是韩剧最大限度地保持了本民族的文化特色,能够做到和而不同和文化自觉。Thirdly, many national characteristics of culture are maintained in Han Ju, which is very important.

和谐竞争的核心是“和谐”,本质是“和而不同”。The core of harmonious competition is harmony and the essence of it is "agreeable though non-identical".

孔子强调“有教无类”,提出“君子和而不同”。Confucius stressed that "education without discrimination", "There are differences in harmony gentleman".

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“和而不同”用人思想的实施与否,直接关涉到一个国家发展的水平。The execution of the principle of "harmony with differences" involves the level of a state's development.

和谐辩证法是“和而不同”,而矛盾辩证法则是“同而不和”。Harmonious dialectics is "harmonious but different"while contradictory dialectics is "same but inharmonious".

沟通和对话,和而不同才应是世界文化发展的方向。Having dialogue and being harmonious not homogeneous should be the direction of developing culture in the world.

启示五、炎方苗族生育文化的教育人类学视野——多民族文化的相互理解,力求建立和而不同的少数民族教育体系。The education anthropology analysis of Yan-fang miao-nationality give us a good deel of enlightenment for school education.

中华民族在对外交往中,崇尚亲仁善邻,主张和而不同,追求普遍和谐。In its foreign relations, the Chinese nation has advocated cordiality, benevolence, good-neighborliness and universal harmony.

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和谐校园并非是一团和气,而是要实现“和而不同”的大境界。Harmonious campus does not mean being warm and fuzzy. However, it means harmony without sameness, and difference without conflict.

同时也表明孔子的态度是赞成君子的和而不同,反对小人的同而不和的。It also shows the attitude of Confucius, is in favor of the gentleman and the different, and not against the villain and the same.

性别和谐是一种基于“不同而和”与“和而不同”双重理念基础上注重性别个性的生存理念和生活方式。Gender harmony stresses the surviving concept and living stile on the basis of "harmony but difference" and "harmony with uniformity".

孔子在治理国家方面提出了“和而不同”命题,这个源于儒家的思想揭示了和谐的本质特征。Confucius made in the governance of the country "and different" proposition, this stems from the Confucian thinking reveals the harmony of nature.

总之,基于和而不同的价值理念,构建一种有着多元价值个性的普世价值是可能的。In summary, based on harmonious and different value concept, it is possible to construct a universal value containing the multiple value property.

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东方文化主张“和而不同”,强调“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。”Oriental culture advocates "harmony without uniformity" and emphasizes that "All things are nourished together without their injuring one another.

“城市发展中的中华智慧”被界定为“自强不息”、“厚德载物”、“师法自然”、“和而不同”四项。"Chinese wisdom in urban development" has been defined as "self-discipline", "social commitment", "inspiration from nature" and "harmony in ersity".

提出要用智慧,用“和而不同”的思想来合理处理好设计的国际化与民族多元化之间的关系。Use our wisdom, with "and different" thought to properly handle the good design of internationalization and the relationship between ethnic diversity.