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这六天对儿童来说是一个身临其境的体验。It's a six-day immersive experience for the kids.

在不远的未来你也可以身临其境。They’ll be coming your way in the not-too-distant future.

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是的,而且这个技能的动画相当酷,会让你感到如身临其境般的寒冷。Yeah, and it's really cool looking. Feels very slushy and cold.

游客将处在一个身临其境的媒体环境。Visitors are now standing in a media-rich immersive environment.

线上冒险游戏身临其境的生物技术处理一系列问题。Immersive online adventure game dealing with a host of biotech issues.

他们眼看、耳听、鼻嗅、口尝、触觉,因而他们的报道能使受众犹如身临其境。They look, listen, smell, taste, and feel the story so the audience can, too.

然而,要领略三清山的美还需身临其境去体验。However, to appreciate the beauty of Sanqingshan need to experience immersive.

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身临其境的体验,教你如何建立自己的间谍针孔摄像头。Immersive experience that teaches how to build your very own pinhole spy camera.

于今年索尼电影公司30天身临其境的现场夜阿拉斯加巴罗。Visit Barrow, Alaska in this immersive site for Sony Pictures' 30 Days of Night.

你可以准确地听出声音的方位,得到身临其境的全息立体声音感受。The exact sound field can be figured out via virture reality holographic stereos.

通过指端的挤夹或轻扣,对一幅地图或者一张图片获得身临其境的感觉。Get super-close in on a map or photo, with just a few pinches or taps of your finger.

情境教学法是一种设境融情、身临其境的教学方法。Teaching situation is a habitat-based financial situation, immersive teaching methods.

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同样,我们想要创造一个梦幻之城来带给观众身临其境的感觉。Likewise, we want to give the audience a feeling of participating in creating a fantasy.

记录跳闸是一种身临其境的游戏体验,随着创纪录的从头开始。Record Tripping is an immersive gaming experience that begins with the scratch of a record.

一架史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格式的电影摄影机就能帮助Cisco实现这种身临其境的错觉。One of Steven Spielberg's cinematographers helped Cisco get the illusion of intimacy just right.

卡梅隆想制作一部真正能让观众身临其境的3-D影片。Camerondidn’t wantto make the movie unless viewers could experience theplanet viscerally, in 3-D.

基于CSCW使虚拟教学环境感受到身临其境的“面对面”场景。With the help of CSCW, the system achieves face-to-face effect in a virtual teaching environment.

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“实际上,他只是带领我身临其境般地经历了一次缩胃手术”事后朋友回忆说道。"He actually got me to visualise going through a gastric band operation," she recalls afterwards.

如果你有机会到印度旅行,身临其境去看看泰姬陵吧,这将是一次毕生难忘的经历。If you're travelling in India, seeing it for real and up close is a once in a lifetime experience.

试试这种身临其境的,高品质的游戏是免费的!然后继续冒险一次性解锁!Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue the adventure with a ONE TIME unlock!