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热加工。Hot working.

热加工工艺有哪些?。What are the hot working processes?

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减粘裂化是一种较为成熟的热加工工艺。Visbreaking technology is a mature thermal processing.

多传感器数据检索热加工。Multiple sensors retrieve the thermal data for processing.

当焊接可热加工的合金时,情况有所不同。The situation is somewhat different when welding the heat-treatable alloys.

这些对钛合金叶片的热加工提供了宝贵的经验。And this case has provided a valuable experience for the hot-working of titanium alloy blades.

那些物理变化需要更多的能量,所以食物热加工可能是这些变化的助推器。Those physical changes required more energy, and exposing food to fire may have provided that boost.

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到目前,热加工和冷加工还在进行,使材料的性能改善。Up to now , hot-working and cold-working have been continued to improve the properties of materials.

高压完全糊化淀粉糊没有与热加工糊化淀粉糊相同的老化现象。If the starch is entirely gelatinized under high pressure, there will be not ageing phenomenon of GSH.

可为制订AZ31镁合金的热加工工艺提供理论与数据。The constitutive equation could be applied to make technology of hot working for AZ31 magnesium alloy.

用热扭转实验方法研究高碳铬轴承钢的热加工性能。The hot workability of high-carbon-chromium bearing steel has been studied by means of the hot torsion.

吴季徇先生一直致力于与热加工技术有关的产品开发和研究。Mr. Wu Jixun has been working with the hot processing technology-related product development and research.

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研究结果对于X70级管线钢弯管和三通等管件制造的热加工过程有着重要参考价值。The grain growth behavior of a X70 grade pipeline steel in fitting-manufacture thermal process was studied.

较易延展的金属合金,在制造过程中可以进行热加工或冷加工。Wrought alloy. A metal alloy that is relatively ductile and amenable to hot working or cold working during fabrication.

综述了钨及钨合金制备、热加工及应用等方面的发展。The fabrication, hot-working and applications of tungsten and tungsten alloys are summarized both domestic and overseas.

TC9钛合金模锻叶片热加工变形是钛合金热加工的一大关键。The hot-working deformation of died blades of titanium alloy TC9 is a key problem of the hot-working of the titanium alloy.

退火处理对冷轧板的峰值流变应力影响较小,冷轧板可直接用于热加工成形。The effect of annealing on peak flow stress of cold rolled sheet was little. Cold rolled sheet could be hot formed directly.

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这种高阻隔材料价格低廉,热塑性好,热加工性能优异,可重复使用。The high barrier material is low in price, fine in thermoplasticity and excellent in hot working property and can be reused.

在热加工中,片层组织在大变形量下发生剪切变形或严重弯曲。Shearing strain and heaVy bending in lamellar structure of γ-TiAl alloy can be caused by heavy deformation during hot working.

配重铁是人类掌握比较早的一种金属热加工工艺,已有约6000年的历史。The counterweight iron is the humanity masters the quite early one metal hot-working craft, had the approximately 6000 history.