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思科先生是怎样得到这份美差的呢?How did Mr. Silk get the job?

这是互联网上一个巧妙的方法,亦是一件不错的美差。It’s a neat form of networking and a good thing to do.

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他动用关系在政府部门谋得了一份美差。He got a gravy-train job in the government by pulling strings.

没有学位就意味着得不到一份美差,找不到娇妻,没有信用卡,没有社会地位。No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status.

昆士兰旅游局的这一成功概念催生了不少类似的梦幻美差。The success of the Tourism Queensland idea inspired several similar dream jobs.

又有多少孩子将有信心拒绝那些美差而毅然决然地追求自己的道路?And how many would have the confidence to turn it down and pursue their own path?

由于公司看到其内容在网上表现出色,许多人得到美差。Many people are getting huge jobs because companies are seeing how well their content does on the web.

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如果幸运的话,当金融领域失去了他们赚大钱但却导致住房融资膨胀的美差时,这个行业将会萎缩下去。With luck, the financial sector will shrink when it loses the lucrative task of financing housing inflation.

但是他存有一种美差的机会,那是做夜班的美差,是24小时中令人惊奇的另一半时间,城市居民对此段时间颇为不屑。But he has a treat in store, the night-time treat, the astonishing half of 24 hours that city-dwellers try to deny.

聚香都有末,这你才是保赢的,经纪人与媒婆,自古以来都是美差。Poly incense has end, which you are guaranteed to win, brokers and matchmaker, since ancient times are on the gravy train.

除非发生其他变故,或者另有合适候选人杀将出来,欧盟主席这个美差看来势必成为托尼·布莱尔的囊中之物。Barring unforeseen accidents or a last-minute stealth candidate, the spanking new job of "president of Europe" looks to be Tony Blair's for the asking.

还有助理国务卿库尔特•坎贝尔,他主管我们同整个亚太地区的关系,每天都要感谢我给了他这个美差。And Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell, who has the enviable job that he thanks me for every day of overseeing our relations throughout the Asia Pacific.

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偏心行为有时候显而易见,比方说,你的上司又把一件美差给了和他是校友的初级助理。At times, preferential treatment is obvious. For instance, your superior has given yet another plum assignment to a junior associate from his alma mater.

在展示自己的同时,可以锻炼自己的英语和胆量,还可以得到非常精美的礼品,留下一段美好的回忆,这样一举三得的美差,何乐而不为?Besides showing yourself, you can also improve your Oral English and courage, receive a very nice present as your sweet memory, isn't it very attractive to you?

按传统习惯,联邦紧急措施署署长的职位都是派给想要一份美差却毫无紧急事务处理经验的一位总统政策支持者。Traditionally, the job of FEMA director was given to a political supporter of the President who wanted some plum position but who had had no experience with emergencies.

“哦,是吗?”阿不福思说,“一桩美差,是吗?令人愉快?简单易行?一个资历不够的小巫师用不着勉为其难就能完成的事情?”"Did he now?" said Aberforth. "Nice job, I hope? Pleasant? Easy? Sort of thing you'd expect an unqualified wizard kid to be able to do without overstretching themselves?"