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本质复杂度与偶发复杂度的比较Essential vs. accidental complexity

有三个问题可能会产生偶发复杂度。Three things tend to spawn accidental complexity.

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所以这种情况不能是由偶发事件或金融方面影响的。So it can’t be about happenstance or about finance.

偶发事件通过业力的荣曜梦想,让变革发生。Happenstance occurs through karmic forays of dream accolades.

变异似是偶发和自发的。The mutations appear to occur sporadically and spontaneously.

偶发复杂度的第三个诱因是不可逆性。The third enabler of accidental complexity is irreversibility.

我要遵守限期,除非是遇到不可预见的偶发事件或者生了病。I'll meet my deadline, barring an unforeseeable accident or illness.

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当富士康发生第一例自杀事件时,我虽然感到难过,但还是觉得这只是偶发事件而已。I ignored the first Foxconn suicides as sad but statistically inevitable.

巴黎郊区偶发的骚动成为他的论据。Sporadic eruptions in the banlieues of Paris pose a challenge on his doorstep.

偶然发生的偶发事件点燃两人之间的,或者团队中的协同的变革。Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group.

相反,他看上去无趣、疲惫、偶发的焦虑并且有时甚至躁动不安。Instead he looks bored, tired, intermittently anxious and sometimes almost excited.

咀嚼时,有偶发的、暂时的、不可言状的疼痛或敏感。There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.

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真我寻求联盟,而在现在的偶发事件中是不可能存在神圣的。The self is seeking union and nothing divine is possible in the current happenstance.

就我们目前掌握的情况,这次事件还是一次偶发事件。According to the information that we have at this time, the incident only occurred once.

所有的风险都被鉴定,并且针对每个风险都有一个缓解方法或者处理偶发事件的策略。All risks have been identified and a mitigation or contingency strategy exists for each.

偶发的“浅”麻醉可以通过静推负荷量药物或增加输注率解决。Episodes of "light" anesthesia can be treated with bolus doses or increased rate of infusion.

环绕就是让真我去感受到所需要的力量,再把这种力量用来发现偶发事件中产生的想法。Girth is the strength required for self to realize the thoughts at cause of the happenstance.

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散文诗咒语就是一种可以荣曜一个新的偶发事件的序列,让人们去经历相对光明的偶发事件。Prose incantations can accolade a new sequence of happenstance that is lighter to experience.

这件三联画对偶发自然和自由意志之间的关系提出了疑问。The question mark in the triptych is in the relationship between chance nature and free will.

在对胸腔听诊之前,让我们回顾一下正常的和偶发的呼吸声音。Before auscultating the posterior thorax , let's review normal and adventitious breath sounds.