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千难万险只一刻,英雄本色惊四方。Her qualities of a hero astound the world.

天高地阔任飞翔,千难万险不屈挠。Day Heights wide Renfei Xiang, hardships indomitable.

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千难万险何所惧?What is there to fear even if untold hardships lie ahead?

即便前进道路上有千难万险,我也要努力攀登科学高峰。Even if the road ahead hardships, I have to work hard to scale science.

而迈克尔埃辛又一次表现优异,当然同样也是又一次经历了千难万险的90分钟。Michael Essien had yet another fine game in yet another position in that most difficult of 90 minutes.

这是个曾经面临千难万险并一一克服的民族,我们将继续这么做。This is a Nation that has faced tough challenges in the past and overcome them, and we will do so again.

如今你是勇敢的西部大英雄,骑马开枪出入千难万险之中。So now you are one of these dashing western heroes. And you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of dangers.

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这世上的婚姻,需要很多很多的爱才能应对婚姻的千难万险。Marriage in this world needs a lot of love. Only love can make couples overcome tremendous difficulties of marriage.

千难万险中得来的东西最为珍贵,患难与共中结下的友谊必将长驻你我的心间。Hardships of the most precious things come, sharing weal and woe of the friendship forged resident will you my heart.

到最后,对阿索卡而言,在经历了千难万险后,什么益处也没得到,除了依恋,爱慕,以及快乐。In the end, to Ahsoka, nothing good came from the privation of an experience, whether it was attachment, love, or pleasure.

为什么我们过去能在非常困难的情况下奋斗出来,战胜千难万险使革命胜利呢?How was it that we were able to survive untold hardships, overcome the most difficult and dangerous conditions and bring the revolution to victory?

一个人想要成就一番事业,不能只是下决心克服千难万险,更要下决心屡败屡战,争取胜利。The boy who is going to make a great man must not make up his mind merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand repulses and defeats.

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程卉卉赶到医院探望小春,每次出门都千难万险,这一次她决定和小春私奔,还让向阳一定要帮她瞒住程定雄。Cheng Hui ou rushed to the hospital to visit doing, every time go out, she decided to elope with doing this time, let the sun must also help her to outwit Cheng Dingxiong.

历经千难万险寻找李勇下落的秋蝉,终于在匈奴找到他时却发现他已与匈奴公主成婚。All previous classics 1000 difficult the Qiu Chan that 10 thousand danger search Li Yong to fall, discover when Hun finds him he already got married with Hun princess however eventually.