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现在是低音部Now the basses.

能唱出来低音吗?Can you sing that bass?

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我们来试试唱低音。And try to sing the bass.

和我一起唱低音部。So sing the bass with me.

听起来还满不赖的,低音效果不错。Sounds good—lots of bass.

是在高音,中音,还是低音哪里?Is it high, middle or low?

你们唱一下低音部。So you can sing this bass.

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你能降到低音D吗?Can you go down to a low D?

里面低音边和风箱。Inside bass side and bellows.

至少他们还有不错的低音部!At? least they have good bass!

是低音的部分还是主调的部分Is it in the bass or the melody?

低音的黄铜制管乐器。The lowest brass wind instrument.

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我的话会试着跟唱低音部。What I do is try to sing the bass.

你能分辨出低音线吗Can you follow the bass line there?

我是低音吉他手,我也玩键盘乐器。I play bass guitar — and keyboards!

低音真的是美好的在这一个激光唱碟上。The bass is really nice on this CD.

有塑料袋制成的低音吉他。A bass guitar made from plastic bags.

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组群忙音是连续的低音。Group Busy Tone is a steady Low Tone.

欢迎加入关于低音炮测试的讨论!Welcome to the Subwoofer Tests forum!

帕赫贝尔的低音模式也是其中的一种。A Pachelbel bass pattern is another one.