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大海与孩子们戏耍。The sea plays with children.

死神处处皆在,而孩子们在戏耍。Death is abroad and children play.

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刘地摆脱周影保护孙倩,戏耍了杀手毒蛇。Liu from Zhou Ying sun protection, play the killer snake.

进了家门,他一眼就看见在花园中戏耍的孩子们。When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.

孩子们在游泳池中戏耍。The children are disporting themselves in the swimming pool.

看墙上那只小猫,在玩弄戏耍那些落叶飘飘。See the kitten on the wall, sporting with the leaves that fall.

如果你忙得连与孩子戏耍的时间都没有。If you're too busy to have fun with your children, you're too busy.

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他们以沙筑屋,他们戏耍着空贝壳They build their houses with sand, And they play with empty shells.

押尼珥对约押说,让少年人起来,在我们面前戏耍吧。And Abner said to Joab, Let the young men now arise, and play before us.

涂漆,贵族和华丽的色彩带有酸性和戏耍的色调。Varnished, aristocratic and sumptuous colours with more acid and trifle tones.

于是将参孙从监里叫出来,他就在众人面前戏耍。So they called for Samson from the prison house , and he performed before them.

人生智慧并非源自令人高山仰止的研究生院,而是来自于童年时代的沙场戏耍。Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate-school mountain, but there in the sandbox.

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显然,你想你就是戏耍一篇有关你的网站内容。Obviously, you want to tease an article of yours that is relevant to your website content.

牠们戏耍各种物事的经验,让牠们学到了有关环境的资讯。Their playful object manipulation gave them the experience of learning about their environment.

也许你该找回那种孩子气的热情,拾起画板,重回绿茵场,或者尽情戏耍。Perhaps you should tap into that childlike enthusiasm and pick up painting or soccer or tickling.

这时一个调皮的女青年搞乱了唱片的速度,好好戏耍了赵主任一番。At this moment a piquant girl jumble the speed of disc, good good play made fun of Director Zhao one time.

左同军戏耍了姜海一番后,告诉他申请表政委已经帮他填好了。ZuoTongJun play after Jiang Hai, tell he has to help him fill out the application form political commissar.

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今天,当他们肆无忌惮的戏耍嘲笑我时,我真希望他们能知道我内心的想法。Today, as they teased me and laughed hysterically, I just wished they could see the world through my eyes. MMT

当他为马抱来草料时,马发出了友好的叫声,顽皮地拱拱他,和他戏耍。He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him.

街心公园连翘花吹起金黄的小喇叭,广场里,千姿百态的风筝与白云戏耍,一切都是那么静谥。Forsythia flower park blows the golden horn, square, various kite and baiyun mountain, everything is so quiet Shi.