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它是四处遍布的。It's pervasive.

我是遍布伤痕。I was all over welts.

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它们遍布这个地方。They are all over the place.

想想,我的肠道里遍布细菌!My intestines are full of germs.

今天,圣日耳曼烈性酒遍布各地。Today, St-Germain is everywhere.

垃圾邮件遍布互联网。Junk mail proliferates the Internet.

产品遍布全国各地,声誉卓著。Products across the country, reputable.

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铁路四通八达遍布全国。Railways ramified all over the country.

遍布西班牙,荧火蔓延撒向天庭。Scattering contagious fire into the sky.

公路和铁路遍布各省。Roads and railways artery every province.

美遍布于这个楚楚动人的世界。So many beauties in this appealing world.

在狼的蹄子内部,是石头遍布的地平线。Inside the Wolf's foot, the stony horizon.

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水危机瘟疫地区遍布世界各地。Water woes plague regions around the world.

公路纵横交错,遍布全国。Highways were ramified all over the country.

村舍前青苔遍布的老树,苹果压弯了枝桠To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees

施釉三遍及均匀地遍布结晶体。Brush 3 coasts dispersing the crystals evenly.

他的住处遍布整个县。His residences spread-eagle the entire county.

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如今,截拳道爱好者们已经遍布世界各地。Nowadays, of JKD do fans have around the world.

这家银行的分支机构遍布世界。The bank has ramification throughout the world.

计算机已遍布该国的大城市。Computers have invaded the country's big cities.