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具有调和脾胃、清热润燥作用。Has the harmonic taste, heat dryness role.

绿豆也能够清热败火、防暑解毒,还是养脾胃的良品。It is also knows to be good for spleen and stomach.

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我们人人都需要休息和放松,而这种放松方式正好适合我的脾胃。We all need rest and recovery and this was perfect for me.

出门在外才能体会到自己的脾胃是多么中国。Go out in the outside can realize their spleen is how China.

在生成津液的过程中,脾胃之气起着决定性作用。The spleen and stomach play an important role in the production of body fluid.

饮食不节主要是损伤脾胃,导致脾胃功能失常。Improper diet mainly impairs the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of them.

但性寒凉,水分又多,不宜吃得过多,以免伤了脾胃。But the gender is cold cool, moisture much, unfavorable overfeeding , lest hurt taste.

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我想知道脾胃不好的人在生活和饮食上应该注意些什么呢?What should the person that I consider to know taste is bad notice on the life and food?

药粥对老年人、儿童、脾胃功能虚弱者都是适宜的。Yaozhou the elderly, children, who are weak functions of the spleen and stomach appropriate.

情志过分抑郁,影响肝的疏泄、调畅,而殃及脾胃。Over-emotional depression, which affects freeing the liver, then impacts the spleen and stomach.

入脾胃经和肺经,是补血和改善肾虚的上好食物。The spleen stomach and lung, is the blood and improve the deficiency of the kidney on good food.

脾胃健,气血盛,则肌肉丰腴,肢体强劲。The taste is healthy, the vitality is abundant, then the muscle is plentiful, the body is strong.

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李东垣的脾胃学说是中国医学发展史上的一个里程碑。Li Dongyuan s spleen stomach theory is a milestone in the history of traditional Chinese medicine.

因此,津液的充足与否依赖脾胃之气的状态。So whether body fluid is adequate or inadequate depends upon the conditions of spleen-qi and stomach-qi.

由于它是调理人体外部的脾胃功用消弭多余脂肪。Because it is outside of the spleen and stomach function of conditioning the body to eliminate excess fat.

对糖尿病的治疗,必须从调理脾胃着手,以健脾和胃为基本法则。The basic therapeutical principle of strengthening the spleen and regulating the stomach should be applied.

针对因脾胃虚寒所致的积滞患儿,要加强其脾胃本身之功能,促进运化,以消除积滞。It is crucial to promote moving by strengthening the spleen &stomach function of itself to eliminate indigestion.

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对于体质比较虚弱,平时脾胃就比较差的人,在感冒流感期间吃板蓝根就不好。Frailer to the constitution, at ordinary times the person with poorer taste, eat during cold flu board La Gen is bad.

用板栗50克,粳米100克煮粥,经常食用,具有健脾胃、补肾气、强筋骨的作用。Chestnut 50 grams, 100 grams of rice porridge, often edible, with spleen and stomach, kidney qi, the role of strong bones.

小儿胃脘痛是儿科脾胃病的主要疾病之一,发病呈上升趋势。Infantile Stomachache is one of the main diseases in pediatric Spleen-Stomach Disease and it's incidence is tended to rise.