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粮农组织还在防灾、备灾和预警方面发挥至关重要的作用。FAO also plays a crucial role in prevention, preparedness and early warning.

此次评估将侧重于备灾环境中的社会性别问题。This evaluation will focus on gender within a disaster preparedness environment.

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请伸出援手,支持香港红十字会于海地提供紧急赈济、重建及备灾援助。Please support our disaster relief, rehabilitation and disaster preparedness work in Haiti.

相信对我国开展系统化城市安全备灾的空间设计有一定启发意义。We believed that it would be an inspiration for the design of the systematic city safety space in China.

其余款项将用于建设灾区备灾中心、培训救灾人员以及民众防灾救灾的能力。Also, the rest money would go to establishing disaster prevention centers and disaster relief staff training program.

亚洲备灾中心项目经理帕瓦茨说,日本只是被自然力量压倒了。Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Program Manager Aslam Perwaiz says Japan was simply overwhelmed by natural forces.

有在红十字会和红新月会或其他组织从事备灾工作经验为考虑因素之一。Experience of working with Red Cross and Red Crescent or another organization in disaster preparedness will be an asset.

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它还敦促会员国制定备灾计划和更多关注基于性别的暴力,这是危机期间一个更加令人担忧的问题。It also urges Member States to formulate disaster preparedness plans and pay more attention to gender-based violence as an increasing concern during crises.

国家红十字会还应该鼓励在社区中成立紧急备灾委员会,由委员会制订计划、指导和协调灾害反应、进行备灾等活动。National Societies can also encourage setting up community emergency committees in charge of planning, guiding and coordinating response and preparedness activities.

这些关注将推动红十字运动的基本原则和人道价值,备灾救灾和社区健康和关怀。The collective focus will be on promoting the Movement's Fundamental Principles and humanitarian values, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and health and care in the community.

这一项目所进行的最根本的能力建设是通过社区自我设计管理备灾、减灾的活动来实现。To support this capacity building, the project will contract few Master Trainers to train local partners and government officials, who will in turn provide training and support to community practices.