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他们在地上栽了一根木桩。They planted a stake in the ground.

就像错置于方孔里的圆木桩。the round pegs in the square holes.

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这些木桩需定期更换。These have to be regularly replaced.

男孩把山羊拴在木桩上。The boy tethered the goat to a stake.

他们把山羊拴在后院的木桩上。They staked the goat in the back yard.

测量员用木桩标出那块土地的界限。The surveyor pegged out that plot of land.

两名异教徒被捆在木桩上烧死了。The two heretics were burned at the stake.

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他用木桩子撑住新栽的树。I have staked the apple trees in my garden.

一百二十人绑在木桩上被烧死。One hundred and twenty burned at the stake.

城市设计工程师用木桩标出了新学校校址。The city engineer staked the new school site.

这木桩一定是用来防止绞盘松开的。This peg must prevent the winch from unwinding.

放置木桩,然后就可以串烤你的骑兵了。Always plant stakes to skewer your own cavalry on.

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这栅栏是木桩和带刺铁丝筑成的。The fence was made of wooden posts and barred wire.

她象一根木桩一样直挺挺地坐着,一动不动。She was as stiff as a post, and never moved or stirred.

布莱克松倚靠着院子里的一颗木桩,坐在温暖的阳光下。Blackthorne sat in the warm sun, leaning against a post.

父亲将木桩钉入地里来造篱笆。Father drove the stake into the ground to build a fence.

那个残暴的国王过去常把犯人钉在尖尖的木桩上进行折磨。The cruel king used to impale his prisoners on sharp sticks.

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被诅咒的鱼神和独眼臭男人。木桩坏了。Blasted fish God and the one-eyed gorilla. The peg just broke!

旅游者在暴风雨中设法用木桩固定他们的帐篷。The travelers are trying to peg down their tents in the storm.

农民们曾经在置于石壁上的木桩上建造房屋。Farmers once built houses on wooden stilts, perched on stony bluffs.