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不确定性缘何如此危险?Why is uncertainty so dangerous?

团结者缘何变成了分裂者?How did the uniter become a divider?

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电视媒体,缘何一路强势?TV Media, Why is it Strong all the way?

你可曾想过犬缘何而吠呢?Have you ever wondered why do dogs bark?

万千怪影,缘何将你趋奉?That millions of strange shadows on you tend?

爱迪生缘何成为大发明家?Unit 15 How Did Edison Become a Great Inventor?

当然,这样又回归问题本身了,缘何分数就偏低呢?This of course begs the question, why the lower grades?

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小小一碗胡辣汤,缘何会历久不衰呢?A small bowl of soup Hu, so why it would be long lasting?

那么缘何如今大众眼中中国医生们的形象变得蚀损至此?How has the perception of Chinese doctors become so eroded?

宇宙缘何要从大霹雳中冒出来呢?Why did the universe emerge from the Big Bang the way it did?

缘何,每一个夜深人静,我们的故事又在摇曳的灯盏里重现?Why, every night, our story in the flickering lamp in return?

但是,中国女装缘何没有世界顶级品牌?However, why women do not have the world's top brand in China?

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外资缘何退出电力投资领域?。Why Does the Foreign Investment Withdraw From the Power Industry?

白尔问聚会主人、成功的广告商查克,缘何举办此次聚会。Mr Bai asked his host, Chuck, a prosperous ad man, what motivated him.

美国缘何再次掀起“中国威胁论”的恶浪?。Why the U. S. Once Again Surges Up Vicious Waves of the "China Threat Theory"?

既然不承认“偷工减料”,缘何高速路通车不久就要大修?Since it does not recognize" Jerry" why, high-speed road traffic soon to repair?

在文学本身尚且不可能的情况下,“文学性”又缘何而谈?。How could we explore literariness on the condition that literature was impossible?

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当这个国家仍在为这场悲剧进行哀悼时,人们不禁要问它缘何发生。While the nation still mourns the tragedy, one can't help wondering why it happened.

师夷新政缘何在第一次鸦片战争后未能即时兴起,原因很多。Not copying the west immediately after the first Opium War results from many reasons.

一项对14世纪的异端邪说的调查解释了缘何法国人拒绝抛弃他们的过去。An investigation into 14th-century heresy explains why the French refuse to get off their derrières.